Cement, Energy and Environment

additional supporting documents may be requested for review as a follow-up. Any specific requests for interviews will be communicated as part of the Stage 1 planning. What will happen during the audit? At this point the focus is to confirm that your Energy Management System satisfies the requirements of ISO 50001. The on-site visit, known as a Stage 2 audit, is conducted by one or two sector-qualified, credentialed, and experienced DEKRA auditors, who will audit your key processes to confirm that the ISO 50001 /SEP requirements have been satisfied. We will also confirm that energy performance improvement has been achieved. (If you're pursuing SEP, we follow the SEP Measurement and Verification Protocol). We also "sanity-check" your overall energy consumption results against the sum of your action plans, and check to see if the results make sense when you consider such things as weather or production changes. An ISO 50001/SEP audit with DEKRA entails the following : We hold an Opening Meeting with your team. At the Opening Meeting we will discuss our agenda for the audit and go over any issues from Stage I or any other lingering questions. We perform a Plant Tour with your team to get a sense of where things are and how your production process works, to see where your significant energy uses (SEUs) are. We review energy consumption data for your SEUs and records relating to operation/ maintenance such as PMs. We review your data collection systems for energy monitoring. We perform interviews of key people: • SEU operators • Facilities and Maintenance staff • ISO coordinator • Environmental/ Sustainability manager • Senior management We hold a Closing Meeting with your team to review the results of the audit (we also discuss results as we find them at each daily briefing). If we found any issues not in conformance with the standard, we'll discuss them together, and together agree on a plan to correct them. In the following weeks , we will ask you to send us evidence that you have made the corrections and work with you remotely via email to confirm. Rarely, we will need to make a quick visit back to the site to confirm. If so, we will agree on a date with you. Once all corrective actions are completed , we endorse your certification and send you an official DEKRA certificate confirming your registration to the ISO 50001 standard. How long does the audit take? Audit duration is dependent on the number of energy sources, energy consumption , organization complexity, and the number of Significant Energy Uses. Audit duration could range from 3 days for a small, low complexity plant (or building) up to 12 days for a large, complex facil ity. This is stil l influx as currently ISO 50001 audit day requirements are being defined by local Accreditation Bodies. Standardized audit day requirements for ISO 50001 will be defined in ISO/DIS 50003 which will be published in 2013 and will define requirements for audit days for ISO 50001. How much does certification cost? Certification costs vary as there are a number of factors that go into the ca lculations to meet accreditation requirements. Costs typically range from $8,000 for the smallest organizations to $30,000 for the largest. We encourage you to get a quote for a formal idea of costs as every company is unique. www. dekra-certification.us/en/request-form_10 Costs for implementation vary as well. Often times it's best to have a pre-assessment from DEKRA or a gap analysis from an Energy Management Consultant early on to get a clearer picture of where you are and where you need to be. This provides a better idea of the time and resources needed. Our experience thus far has shown companies that are already certified to a management system such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 have sign ificantly less implementation costs. This is due to: • basic requirements of a management system already in place • common processes can be easily integrated • ISO 50001 has a much narrower focus and scope • ISO 50001 has involves fewer people and components of the organization. 28