Cement, Energy and Environment
As a rule the suppliers of waste-derived alternative fuels have only modest knowledge of the necessary process specific and pertinent emission protection guidelines for the usage of such waste materials in cement/lime plants. Thus corresponding gu idelines need to be laid down and continuously monitored by the cement/lime plant operator within the quality management system. As an example quality guidelines or a specification of combustibles of a cement plant are presented in ..,. Table 2. Most waste-derived alternative fuels consist of material mixtures. The quantitative composition (percentage proportion of the various waste fractions) should therefore be exactly specified as part of a declaration analysis (..,. Tables 3 and 4) This is necessary for process technological reasons in order to assess specifications. It is also partly required by the permitting authorities as often on ly certain volumes are permitted for each waste type per annum. In many European countries it has been proved that suppliers of alternative fuels, apart from providing analysis results of alternative fuels from certified laboratories, also draw up and confirm the above-mentioned declaration analysis. Declaration analyses have to be renewed at certain intervals, e.g. every 1 000 tonnes of fuel supplied. In addition the suppliers should confirm the validity and compliance of analyses results on each delivery of alternative fuels. This can take the shape of a simple "Compliance Confirmation "as in ..,. Table 5. In this way the cement/lime plant receives an additional legal security in case contrary to contract deliveries occur (faulty loads, contaminated alternative fuels etc.). 5. Final remarks Comprehensive quality management involves on the one hand the knowledge of the environmentally relevant elements that can occur in the alternative fuels/raw materials. On the other hand samples must be taken regularly in order to make sure that the amount of critical elements in the material does not exceed the limit values. Not only the cement plant itself, but also the producer or supplier of the RDF must be included in the quality control system. Only if the quality management system strictly adheres to this proceeding, can the required high quality of alternative fuels and raw materials be permanently achieved. Courtesy: Cement International, 21 2013, Volume-11 Energy Efficiency &Conservation Energy Efficiency ENERGY QUALITY AND COMPENSATION SYSTEMS Adana Cimento San, Tic.A.S. - Electrical Engineer The increase in the electric demand depending on the technological improvements and increase of population constitutes the Energy Quality term. "Electrical Energy Quality" states that on a specified point of the grid, the frequency and amplitude of the voltage keeps the nominal value of the amplitude frequency and waveform is convenient to the sinus form. Contrary to this definition, change of voltage amplitude, interruption, transients, imbalance, and frequency variations differentiation from sinus waveform, is the Energy Quality Problems . According to the research in low-developed EU countries; energy qua lity problems, causes losses in industrial and financial sectors about 10 billion EUR yearly. According to the research in USA, it is calculated that those losses are 25-30 Billion Dollars and the expenses to fix this problems are %5 of this amount. When the electricity is produced by the generators, it has pure sinus waveform. Electric energy may be affected by natural effects, transfer and distribution lines and especially by the characteristics of the load, until it reaches to the end-user. If precautions are not taken, in each point, our grid starts to encounter problems related to the energy quality. Electric Quality Problems • Voltage drop (sag) • Voltage rise (swell) • Interruption (outage) • Voltage unbalance • Change of frequency • Flickers • Notch • Noise • Transient • Harmonics 22 '
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