Cement, Energy and Environment

-1 • Soldering • In tin soldiers • Lead strips for curtain weighting • Lead in glass (monitor tubes, lead crystal) • As stabilizer (PVC-cable sheath ing) • Colour and corrosion protection pigments (Pb304) • For Protection against rad ioactive beams (e.g. lead aprons in nuclear medicine) Tetraethyl lead was in petrol as an anti– knocking agent component. Lead and lead compounds, in particular the organic lead compounds, are categorized as toxic. Manganese, Mn • Alloy constituent for iron (manganese steel) and other metals • In dry batteries (as Mn0 2 in coal-zinc Ash Composition/Ash Melting AI mg/kg d Ca mg/kg d Fe mg/kg d K mg/kg d Mg mg/kg d Na mg/kg d p mg/kg d Si mg/kg d Ti mg/kg d S (min) or sulfate content mg/kg d Softening temperature oc Hemisphere temperature oc Flow temperatu re oc batteries) Mercury, Hg • In the production of ceramics • In batteries: Alka li-manganese, mercury • Potassium permanganese production (strong oxide-batteri es oxidising agent) • In the medical field: • Manganese sulphate for enrichment of manganese-poor soils • Manganese ox ide (Mn0 2 ) to decolour green, iron containing glass Manganese is an essential trace element constituent of many enzymes (e.g . peroxidases). Trace Analysis Value Unit As mg/kg d Be mg/kg d Cd mg/kg d Co mg/kg d Cr mg/kg d Cu mg/kg d Hg mg/kg d Mn mg/kg d Ni mg/kg d Pb mg/kg d Sb mg/kg d Se mg/kg d Sn mg/kg d Te mg/kg d Tl mg/kg d v mg/kg d o Amalgam from dental practices o Formerly used in pharmaceuticals as antiseptic (calomel Hg 2 C1 2 ) or as a disinfection agent (sublimate HgCI 2 ) • Measuring instruments hygrometer, thermometer) (barometer, • Fluorescent lamps (mercury vapour lamp) • Color pigments (cinnabar) • Electric mercury switches • In agriculture as fungicide and bactericide • Electrolytic preparation of chlorine • In diffusion pumps for high vacuum • Gold extraction (amalgam formation between gold and mercury) Owing to its toxicity the use of mercury was generally in decline. However, through the use of energy-saving light bulbs this development has been reversed: The proportion of mercury in household waste as well as in mixed industrial and trade waste has increased significantly over the last few years. Thanks to the long lifespan of energy-saving lamps a further increase is anticipated in the coming years leading to significant changes in the composition of refuse– derived fuels for the cement industry due to the 17