Cement Energy and Environment

5. Ms. Ritu Bharadwaj , Senior Program Manager, liP provided the introduction and explained the purpose and expectation of the roundtable. Ms. Bharadwaj mentioned that the round table was an attempt to bind two important PAT sectors– Cement and Aluminium, in a common thread of mutual interest. She mentioned that so far, KEP has mostly focused on sector specific events and themes like ESCerts that are relevant for all PAT sectors, however the roundtable on promoting use of SPL was a special one as it is structured around the concept of 'circular economy', where waste from one sector or industrial unit can be gainfully utilised in another industrial sector. KEP has constituted Sector Learning Groups (SLGs) to map innovative, new and cutting edge technologies and promote rapid uptake of best practices and new technologies within each PAT sector. She informed that this idea first came up in the SLG meeting of the Aluminium sector held in Bhubaneshwar on 20th June, 2015, wherein the issue of management of SPL with its possible use in some other sector was flagged off. The idea gained momentum in the cement SLG meeting held in Jodhpur on 22nd June, 2015, where colleagues from cement sector also showed keen interest in the subject. She mentioned that with both the sectors showing their commitment and intent we thought of bringing the industry champions, technology suppliers and regu lators on a common platform of KEP to discuss it further. She said that from liP's perspective , this issue made great sense as it dovetails with another initiative of liP that is aimed at increasing the use of 'Alternate Fuel and Raw Material' (AFR) in cement sector. This initi8tive of liP in partnership with regulators and industry led to CPCB in creating a National Task Force (NTF) on the subject cement co processing. Expla ining the structure and the purpose of the roundtable, she mentioned in order to take a holistic approach and to touch upon all the relevant issues, challenges as well as excellent work already done on the subject, the roundtable has been structured around three panel discussions. The first one providing the industry perspective, the second one to hear from technology suppliers, both overseas as well as home grown, and finally a panel on perspective of regulators which holds an important key to this whole issue. PANEL DISCUSSION 1: Industry Perspective on Use of SPL in Cement Co-Processing 6. The first panel discussion was focussed on bringing out the existing issues and challenges being faced by the Aluminium and Cement industry in promoting use of SPL, present some of the innovative efforts being done by the industry and discuss some of the strategies that can help address the existing barriers. The Panel discussion was Chaired by Mr. S. K. Wali, Whole Time Director, JK Lakshmi Cement. 7. In his opening remark , Mr. Wali appreciated the initiative undertaken by KEP to organise this Roundtable for bringing together the Aluminium and Cement Sector to discuss and debate that possible ways for uti lising SPL, presently lying as waste. He further said that Cement Sector has always been on the forefront to utilise the wa ste generated by other industry sectors and also helping the country conserve fossil fuel reserves. He also said that it may not be possible to find the solution to the SPL usage in one day. A Task Force, having members from both the sectors and other important stakeholders should be constituted to work further on the subject and work out possible solutions. ROUNDTABI.E ON "\\SE OF SPENT POT UJil£RS IN CEM£NT Co-PROCE - KNOWI.EOG£ EICCHAHGEI'LATFORM Mr. S. K. Wali. Whole Time Director, JK Lakshmi Cement delivering his opening remarks 8. The panellists from the aluminium and cement industry represented almost all the major players from the two sectors. The discussion was structured in a way that the panellists from the Aluminium sector first presented their views on SPL usage followed by Cement sector and in the end the industry representatives from both sectors mulled over the possible strategies for catalysing effective disposal of SPL as a resource in cement industry. 60