Cement Energy and Environment

Sewage Treatment Plants. Installed Compact type Syntax made sewage treatment plants are one of the first of its kind that are successfully operating in the plant premises with least amount of sludge generating property. Total 3 Nos. of STP are existing in the premises each with capacity of 6 KL. Treated water is further used in maintaining gardens, greenbelt & plantation within the plant premises. This has not only resulted in nullifying the Fresh water requirement for greenbelt development, but has also resulted in good growth of plants and trees even in lean water seasons making JKLCL Kalal grinding unit a zero waste water discharge unit. Unit has taken the approach and practices of water conservation to the micro levels, water taps at the washrooms and hand washing sections are maintained with limited flow rate, that prevents excess wastage of water every time the tap is turned on. In-house modification was done and functioning of taps were made sensor based in order to precise flow of water. --· ~"·" ......... == ~--­ ·-- .. "'llf-~ · .......... ,_,.,__ .. - ~~~·- -·– ---- -- Fig 3. Compact type Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at JKLCL-Kalol Awareness and JKLCL-Kalol Awareness in all forms is actively spread among the employees, workers and nearby community. JKLCL Kalal believes in spreading the message of sustainable practices through all forms, especially following the path of imparting Environmental Education to the Local School Teachers in coordination with Centre for Environment Education, so that they can teach the young minds the importance of Environment Protection and Management. Unit has kept its initiative and interest towards spreading the innovations, not only within the premises but also outside the fence. Various Important days like World Water Day, World Environment Days, etc. are celebrated in which students and locals are invited from the community to participate in vari ous poster-making and street play programmes . Unit is actively engaged in demonstration of various Water Conservation practices to the stakeholders through stakeholders engagement programmes and also to nearby community through various participation functions and plant visits. Conclusion JKLCL-Kalol and its team believe in a manufacturing process that maintains harmony with nature and its resources. Understanding and concern towards water and natural resources is in need of an hour. Limited and smart use of water resources is the topmost priority of all the employees and workers . We stand as a 100% Water Positive Unit to create a benchmark, to share and help others to conserve the precious gift of nature. *******