Cement Energy and Environment

11.1 Assessment sheet : score in % Sr. no. Month IU GUI GUll October 14 75.9 72.29 79.52 2 November 14 79.52 81 .93 91 .57 3 December14 90.11 87.91 91.21 4 January 15 87.21 89.53 89.53 5 February 15 86.75 89.16 91.57 6 March 15 93.62 90.43 97.87 7 Average 85.52 85.21 90.21 8 Overall improvement 23.3 25.1 23.1 12. CONCLUSION The awards intend to celebrate and motivate OHS excellence, organizational self-assessment and improvement as well as for providing feedback to Plants. In addition to this, it is also be instrumental in strengthening the competitiveness in our plants for OHS excellence by: • helping to performance, results ; improve practices, organizational capabilities and • facilitating communication and sharing of information on best practices; • serve as a working tool for understanding and managing performance as well as for guiding , planning ; • provides our plants with an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in delivering of ever– improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to organizational sustainability, overall improvement in organizational effectiveness, • capabilities & learnings. 13. WAY FORWARD As the next steps, after culmination of the OHS PERFORMANCE MATRIX event ,IU & Gus plant heads would receive the detailed OHS PERFORMANCE MATRIX Score I rating for their respective plants. Such consolidated details are expected to present them with an opportunity to analyze performance, identify the gaps ,necessary improvements, plan actions to reach the next level of improvement and implement the same, thereby leading their plants to improve the scores, enhanced employee morale, satisfaction and OHS improvements. Corporate OHS team will visit to winning IU/ GUs to facilitate and encourage cross pollination of their best practices, ideas to plants for horizontal deployment. 14. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to Mr.Arvind Pathak , CEO, Reliance Cement Company for his valuable guidance & inputs for publishing this paper. *****