Cement Energy and Environment

4. BASIC PRINCIPLES 4.1 Factual Based The effort is taken to identify, collect and collate, monitor and measure the factual information and data which in turn helps to improve the OHS performance at all levels. 4.2 Objective Oriented The objectives are related to SMART goal & specific efforts towards OHS excellence. 4.3 Unbiased Methodology is unbiased, independent and impartial in its approach ensuring. It is the measurement tool on a common scale & non judgmental. 4.4 Proactive Approach It encourages proactive actions for technology– driven collaborations, management structures and the capability to work efficiently across plants (IU &GUs) with continuous re-evaluation of best practices, processes and systems. 4.5 Continual Monitoring and Measurement Monitoring through daily & monthly data capturing & periodic monthly and quarterly reviews to achieve the above reformed objectives : 6. STRUCTURE I DATA )=It CRIIIRI.:\ .. ASSESS:ill:~i 11.-it- n:.. ~ ~ 11-0BBnlesl b • • ! "'=. -=- oS ib ~~ s:: 1=- I 0 ~~ 1~ =iu ~ : i 5~ >t •o " ~a ~i > ....... lu,--, I ~ s:: ~ 0 ~ § 5. APPROACH The approach is formulated through PDCA cycle on following ways Plan Rating based on 5Eiements & 24 Parameters Do Assessment of Indicators Check Act Effective Evaluation & Rrating Plan for Improvement .. AWARDS ~ RECO<DJTIO.~ De BestUIIi .ra.e,._ ~~r-- ., c.lii.A..-d fa il:t ... 0 ra:. ~ - ~ De BestUIIi .ra.e,._ • :a .-. .. Po • 0 - SIYe.Awanl ... i E-o i ... 0 ... Po a liM! Best Jlmw:ti.veUlli - .ra.eYear 30 /