Cement Energy and Environment

·-I- Implementation of OHS Performance Matrix for Safe Work Environment A.K.Singh & Rajendra Lagad Reliance Cement Company Private Limited, Mumbai ABSTRACT Cement manufacturing plant has a wide spread working and thereby hazard potentials are also multidirectional starting from large mining areas to despatch of product, involving groups of large machineries & facilities. In addition ,a large work force with huge gap of their qualification & experience ranging from unskilled to highly qualified& experienced professionals with different levels of understanding about Occupational Health & Safety (OHS}.This paper deals with design of well structured OHS performance matrix on standard input parameters to have a score for benchmarking of safety standards across the organization. The purpose of matrix is to evaluate OHS performance of the organization in 360 degree & currently being practiced in the grinding units(GUs) and integrated unit (IU)of Reliance Cement Company(RCC). This initiative is designed to involve,encourage & enable each & every employee of the organization,which ultimately leads towards self motivation orientation and "a feeling of ownership"concept.The foundation of concept is management commitment,employee involvement with passion,transperant periodical disclosure,opportunity for correction, platform for skill development,focused management reporting systems & output is a management tool for motivation and ultimately benchmarking continual imporvement and leads to auto compliance. Foundation of the matrix is based on 5 target criteri a viz. incident reporting,OHS rates,OHS activities,training & continual improvement supported by 24 parameters.Every parameter is assigned with proper weightage after consultation with plant team & also decided to refer source of information from existing OHS reports of all plants .AII 24 input parameters are sub divided into low,medium & high importance categories for assessment of the performance to priortise the focus area according to potential risk & opportunities as well as for different motivatioal programs for rewarding the best performer. This matrix has successfully implemented for IU & GUs at RCC & achieved an average of 23% improvement in score within 6 months of time. 1. BACKGROUND The OHS Performance Matrix model is a recognition and reward methodology that is intended to encourage organisational OHS standard . It would ben ifit the organization with its focused & dedicated efforts through 360 degree approach to OHS improvements & sustainabilty, ensure commitment & accountabilty, monitor, measure & motivate performance, enhance skills, competancy & knowledge through the dedicated initiatives of O&M (Operation & Maintenance) governed with the management policies & management commitment through structured program management. 2. PURPOSE RCC has launched this initiative to celebrate achievements in OHS excellence and encourage even greater efforts .It provides a focus for learning and development and provide milestones to help demonstrate progress to stakeholders. 3. OBJECTIVES • • • • The objectives are: to help to improve OHS practices, capabilities and results; to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices information ; to serve as a working tool for understanding and managing performance;and to gu ide for organizational planning and opportunities for learning.