Cement Energy and Environment

2.2 Identification of Hazards: The control of health hazards is based on systematic assessment of impact, it's potential, and severity. The identification of hazards is the first step towards to prevention of the hazards. The identification is based on process from mining to packaging of cement to get ready for final dispatch. It has significant role to control by application of appropriate and preventive control measures. The effective and potential health hazards <2.51Jm or ppb identified in various section of plant : Table-03 Sr. Area Substances Type of Impact Exposure Observed Standards No. Hazardous ( hrs/day) ( mgm-3) BS /IS (mgm-3) 01 Mine Limestone dust Inhalation/Dermal 4 15.5-19.4 04/10 co 02 Auto workshop Benzene Inhalation 0 6-08 2/35 Dermal 5 19-35 5/30 03 Crusher Limestone dust Inhalation 5 14.7-23.2 04/10 Limestone dust Inhalation 12.6- 15.25 04/10 04 RIM ill Iron dust Inhalation 6 19.5 -24.5 04/05 Alumina dust Inhalation 11 .2- 13.40 04/05 05 CUMill Coal dust Inhalation 6 20.5-21.5 04/10 06 CM/Mill Cement dust Inhalation 6 19.5-22.5 04/10 07 Packing Plant Cement dust Inhalation/Dermal 6 22-25.50 04/10 08 CCR Bldg Calcined dust Inhalation 09 Cement dust QC- Laboratory Aerosol mist Inhalation 10 Mechanical- Metallic silicate Welding Fluoride Inhalation 11 E &!-Soldering Resin acid Inhalation 12 CPP Coal ash Inhalation 13 STP /WTP Legionnaire bacteria Dermal BS= British Standard, IS= Indian standard Unit in mgm-3 2.3 Potential Sources of Dust: The source of hazards may be either primary or secondary, but it is important to identify the potential and significant source of hazards. V~hlcular Mo '· ~m~nt SPM- 2.5~m Stack Fig- 01 Loading & llnk·adlng 2.4 Exposure of Dust in Work Environment: The risk of exposure depends on mode of work of individual, duration & frequency of workable time period, and physical form of hazards. The introduction of COSHH in cement 7 10.5- 12.0 04/10 15.5-18.5 04/10 7 06-08 02/07 5.4-6.8 0.08/5.0 5 4.3-5.5 2.5/2.5 3 5.5-8.7 o.15n.o 3 22.3-31 .5 10/10 0.2-0.5 0.015/-- This would provide the platform for mitigation of risk and reduce the toxicity. It also helps to set the types of control measures to be taken either engineering, policy or administrative. The potential sources are under: Stack ~missk•n g•. SPM lO .O~m · '~h~eular Mov~ment ;;•c, Pad,aging r.·f cement , .... ,,.~ 1'"""' -__.-J~:E· c.f·:~ m~nt r 1 ~~CIInke r ls<ti tens. ~rl"m St~o t ·On J !'~ ~~0 Fig - 02 manufacturing process, where dust is the most potential hazards. Thus it's assessment of exposure in work environment, where individual work avg. 5-6 hrs per day and inhale 1800 -2160 Llday air during the working period. 24