Cement Energy and Environment

( ' specific dust or fumes during the process and operation. For safe working environment, we need specific preventive and control measures to mitigate the impact of specific hazards. Here it is also imperative to say that a small - small innovative and corrective efforts can absorbed and captured the unwanted hazards and make a safe work place for day to day workman at different sections. The installation of eco-friend (fig-3) a dust suppression and settling device designed, fabricated and built in workshop and installed near the dusty area to maintain safe and dust free work environment. The performance of eco-friend is really very effective specially at limestone dumping hopper at limestone crusher and coal dumping hopper I coal wagon tippler. The required ventilation at work places such as weigh feeders platform, quality control laboratory, workshops and specially packing plant areas are very effective measures to control the prevalent hazards . It is felt to recommend the implementation of COSHH regulation-2002 which predominantly collocates to workable safe environment at all work places. This will leads to enhance productivity and quality of life of workmen all sphere of activities in the cement plant. The COSHH finally leads to sustainable business and show case of responsible corporate. The aim of this paper is to increase awareness about the safe work environment among the employee and employers of cement industries 2.0 SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE COSHH 2.1 Overview of Work place Environment: The work place is area where a person works for at-least six hours during their work period. In Cement Industry it starts from drilling of limestone in mine area to the packaging and loading of cement. Almost all work places are full of undesired health hazard which may cause severe health impact. To counter the cascading effect of health hazards persist at work place. we need a holistic approach to . A good work environment bestow desired out- put of workmen and good health too. The desired work environment is based on some components which formulates a matrix and indicates a good work environment as under Table-01 The work environment matrix is evaluated on the basis of exposure level of different components in surrounding where person works. It is necessary to estimate the exposure level in both form i.e short term level and long term level depending upon the potentiality of hazards and mode of work. This precludes the implementation of preventive and control measure of hazards. The resultant effects are better health of workmen drive the business at satisfactory level and determine the sustainable development of the organisation. The some observed concentration or level of some of the components of environment matrix is under. Table-02 Work Area Observed Observed Dust Observed Noise Observed Ventilation( Conc'n Level Illumination m 3 /sec) ( mgm-3) ( dB(A) ( lux) Drilling of Limestone 21 89 Dumper Operator cabin 17 85 Crusher shift room 0.12-0.15 9 85 100 HEMM workshop 0.05 - 0.07 9.5 78 112 Mechanical shift room 0.31 - 0 .35 5.5 74 132 Electrical shift room 0 .25-0.29 5.3 73 145 Cement mill shift room 0.28-0.32 9.2 71 105 PP shift room 0.15-0.19 12.5 78 101 Canteen 0.55-0.61 4.3 77 130 QC -. Laboratory 0.43-0.47 3.5 98 116 (Physical) Dispatch Section 0.32-0.36 8.5 78 124 Time Office 0.25-0.29 6.5 72 110