Cement Energy and Environment

• Rehabilitation of Old open dump yard was started: After installation of proper solid waste management system for the colony, the next step was started for the rehabilitation the old open garbage from dump yard area. All old dumped material was transported through the dumper from dump yard to clinker plant and after shorting the non-combustible recyclable metal & glass, incinerated the remaining waste material into the Kiln. After cleaning the total quantity of the waste material from the waste dumping area to kiln , the existing pit was reshaped to pit structure for developing this area into water reservoir. After raining in monsoon season direct rainfall into the pit as well as surrounding area is connected through drainage for collection of surface rain water. Huge quantity of the rain water was collected in the reservoir in rainy season . After then. the Rehabilitation of old garbage pit Re-shape of old garbage pit Water reservoir is fenced and a walking pathway is developed around the reservoir for enjoying the sightseeing and bird watching. • Plantation in remaining cleaned pace: the place nearby the area of water pond was developed as a beautiful garden, where we planted fruit bearing trees , flowering plants etc. due to development of this areas by plantation many new species of birds and insects finding their shelter and food , which may further enhanced its strength in future. • Enhancement of bird species in terms of diversity and its numbers: For maintaining aquatic ecosystem in Natural way, different varieties of fish seed were put into the water pond. Meanwhile, few ducks are also put into pond. Some other local bird species are also attracted to come in the water reservoir area. Now, it has been observed that this area is become the best place, liked by the birds and huge number of birds species are living in the nearby area of water reservoi r. The dwellers of colony are using the pathway, developed around the reservoir for beautiful bird watching at morning and evening time. 4. Conclusion Un-managed, dumping garbage which is not useful for the society and causing nuisance is Water Pond with Rain water pit Ducks in Water Pond River Lapwing in Water Pond developed into a water reservoir with good esthetic value and enhancing the biodiversity of the area. Waste management is having direct relation with 20