Cement Energy and Environment

( important material which is commonly used by the people for carrying vegetable, fruits, food materials and some other goods and playing a major part of the municipal waste. Generally plastic polythene can use one time only by the people and then after throwing here and there so the management & team have taken the decision to ban the use of plastic polythene in shopping complex, available in residential colony and advised the entire shop keepers to stop the use of all plastic polythene for selling vegetable, fruits, edible items, groceries , cosmetic and other items. By the co– ordination of the management and people living in the colony the use of plastic polythene was totally stopped. On the other hand , for Bio-degradable waste a Domestic waste Processing Facility has been installed by the support of management & team in the plant colony for conversion of the biodegradable waste generated from the colony into organic manure. However, after collection and segregation of the domestic waste was also a big challenge in front of the management. Two buckets to each of the residential houses of the colony were distributed. The first bucket (Green colour) was for the collection of Kitchen (organic) waste and another bucket (blue colour) for collection of other waste i.e. paper, plastic bag, plastic bottle, plastic wrapper, card board , Metal. Management deployed 6 nos. Paddle Rickshaws for collection of all kinds of domestic waste from door to door. After collection of these waste through Rickshaw the same is further segregated at Domestic waste Management Facility and the hard material of this waste is crushed into the shredder into small pieces. Then Saw dust, Bioculam & Sanitreat is added in to this crushed material and then feed into the Composter, which results a fine mixture of organic (Compost) material. This compost material is retained for 10 days period and after 10 days, organ ic compost manure is readily available for the use in plantation/ Horticulture purposes. Energy recovery by incineration of plastic and other incinerable waste was found to be an attainable. Additiona lly, A compacter machine have developed in– house in the plant work shop to compress the combustible solid waste (Plastic &Paper), which is non-biodegradable type of solid waste into pa lates and ultimately incinerated in Kiln of the plant. Recyclable metal and glass which is non-combustible has sold out to the scrap dealer for recycle and reuse. General awareness session was conducted by the team to the employees, Wives and other fam ily members of employees, who have attended this session and understood how to segregate and storage the waste in different buckets. Municipal solid waste was started to convert into useful manure & fuel resource by adopting above all technique and practices. However, garbage dumping into the pit was totally stopped. Waste management facility Waste Collection from Houses Waste segregation Solid waste compactor Address by Director- Technical during awareness session