Cement Energy and Environment

initiative in field of municipal solid waste management. The full story of the entire planning and implementation of waste management and enhancing biodiversity is given below: Clinkerisation unit, Narsingarh • Initially Municipal garbage was dumped in the pen dump yard: Earlier, Municipal garbage generated from various sources of colonies, guest house, canteen , shopping complex like kitchen waste, horticulture waste, paper waste, plastic bags, cardboard, packing materials etc. was dumped in open dump yard which was present in South-East corner of the East colony. This practice of garbage dumping was continued from last so many years. Due to continue dumping of the garbage, a big area of the colony was converted into a garbage pit. Garbage pit continuously incises their effective area by dispersion of the garbage with wind and animal and decrease the soil quality of the affected area rapidly. However, increasing the environmental & health issues in this area such as contamination of ground water, loss of bio-diversity, incising the number of disease carriers such as fly, mosquito and street dog in this area which may increase the severity of the microbial infections, odor nuisance and ultimately the landscape and beauty of the colony was affected . • Dumping of Municipal waste was stopped after starting the Municipal Solid Waste management facility at colony: The Management, Technical and Environment team of the M/s Diamond Cements (Prop. Heidelberg Cement India Ltd.) have started to think how to stop the dumping of garbage in this area and how to enhance the beauty of the area by developing Old Waste Dumped yard Display at shopping complex this unproductive area into productive area. But it was not an easy task. Then the team has decided to take some initiatives. The first initiative was to avoid or minimize the waste. The plastic was an 18