Cement Energy and Environment

temperature salts. However, the formation of FeCb by reaction between chlorine and iron fan blades can be ruled out since such a peak (i.e. 306°C, indicating presence of iron chloride) is not evident in the thermal characteristics of fan deposition sample. In the light of above information regarding nature of the deposition characteristics an attempt was made to take corrective actions such as reduction in fan inlet temperatures for reducing fine particulate plastic deformation tendencies & thermophoretic deposition, improvement in top stage cyclone separators efficiencies for reduced dust cycles, stricter monitoring of kiln parameters for avoiding instances of reducing conditions, reduction in deposition frequencies using sonic horns, etc to reduce cleaning frequency of the preheater fan. References: 1. Li X. , Dunn P. F. and Brach R. M. , (1999), Experimental and numerical stud ies on the normal impact of microspheres with surfaces, J. Aerosol Sci. Vol. 30, No. 4, pp . 439 2. Brach R. M., Li X. and Dunn P. F., (2000), Parameter Sensitivity in Microsphere Impact and Capture, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.32, pp559. 3. Ibrahim A.H., Brach R.M., Dunn P.F., (2004) , Microparticle detachment from surfaces exposed to turbulent air flow: microparticle motion after detachment, J. Aerosol Sci. vol.35, pp.1189 4. Gutzwiller L., Banyay H. Daniel & Cohen S M., (2005), Cement plant preheater fan buidup control, A report by Robinson Industries Inc., USA, http://www.robinsonfans.com/ (last accessed on 01.12.06) 5. Myers R C., Cement process fans: (2004), Operations and maintenance considerations, A report by Robinson Industries Inc., USA, http://www.robinsonfans.com/ , (last accessed on 1.12.15) 6. Unland G. J, (1985), Preheater Plugs Can be Avoided, Rock Products , Feb. issue. 7. Berube R. A. , (2006), Effective Temperature Control for Cement Kiln Off-Gases, http://www.cheresources. com/cementkiln.shtml, (last accessed on 8.12.15) 8. Strauss W. , (1975), Industrial gas cleaning, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp302 9. Bhatty J. 1., (Ed.), (2004), Innovations in Portland Cement Manufacturing, Portland Cement Association publication, pp.1 037 10. Ramachandran V. S., Paroli R. M., Beaudoin J. J. and Delgado A. H. , (2003), Handbook of Thermal analysis of construction materials, Noyes publications, New Jersey, U.S.A, pp.71 11 . Ramachandran V. S. and Beaudoin, J. J., (2001 ), Handbook of analytical techniques in Concrete Science & Technology, Noyes publications, New Jersey, U.S.A, pp.127 12. Sprung, S., (1964), "Das Verhalten des Schwefels beim Brennen von Zementklinker, (The Content of Sulfur and its Effect on the Burning of Cement Clinker)", Schriftenreihe der Zementindustrie, Heft 31. 13. Miller F. M., Young G. L., and M. von Seebach, (2001 ), Formation and Techniques for Control of Sulfur Dioxide and Other Sulfur Compounds in Portland Cement Kiln Systems, PCA R&D Serial No. 2460, Portland Cement Association, Skokie. 14. Zheng F., (2002), Thermophoresis of spherica l and non-spherical particles: a review of theories and experiments, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 97, pp. 255 ******