Cement, Energy and Environment

credit. But Atanasoff barely received any recognition. In the technological pantheon, he was overshadowed by Alan Turing, who laid intellectual groundwork for the computer and cracked the Nazi secret codes during World War II. The Atanasoff– Berry Computer was eclipsed by Eniac, and early computer conceived by US physicist John Mauchly. Smiley writes that Mauchly was far more ambitious. Unlike Atanasoff, he claimed a patent for his invention. In 1973, a US court validated the Eniac patents, ruling that Mauchly's invention was based on Atanasoff's innovations. Today when computing devices have become relatively low-hanging fruits, it is salutary to note that it would have taken hundreds of Atanasoff-Berry Computers to provide the computing prowess of an Iphone. Courtesy: Down to Earth, Dec. 16-31, 2010, P54. MOBILE PHONES A HEALTH RISK, SAYS GOVERNMENT PANEL Radiation from mobile phones and towers poses serious health risks, including loss of memory, lack of concentration, disturbance in the digestive system, and sleep disturbances, according to an inter-ministerial committee formed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to study the hazards posed by mobile phones. The committee has also attributed the disappearance of butterflies, bees, insects and sparrows from big cities to mobile phone– related radiation. The eight member committee, which included representatives from the health ministry, Department of Biotechnology, and Member Secretary, DoT, has recommended that mobile phones not adhering to standard levels of specific absorption rate - a measure of the amount of radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body while using a phone - should be barred. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 1- 15 February 2011, P12. LATEST ADDITION TO CMA LIBRARY Publications Published/Upgraded by CMA • Construction, Maintenance and Upkeep of Cement Concrete Buildings- October 2009 (CMA) • Handbook on Cement Concrete Roads- An Updated Version upto March 2010 (CMA) • Basic Data on Cement Industry 2010 • Cement Statistics 2010 • City Concrete Roads........ Modified and Enlarged - June 201 0 • Cement Concrete Roads- A Long Lasting Gift to Nation (CMA- June 2010) • Seminar/Presentation's Booklet Published by CMA & Others • 6 111 International VDZ Congress 2009: Process Technology on Cement Manufacturing on 30 September to 2 October 2009 at Dusseldorf - 2009 (VDZ) Publications procured from Outside • Deduction of Tax at Source- with Advance Tax and Refunds (2:Jd Edn. -2010 by V.K. Singhania) • Income Tax Ready Reckoner - 2010 -11 (N. V. Mehta) Income Tax Act, as amended by Finance Act 2010 (54 1 h Edn. by Taxman) 59