Cement, Energy and Environment

S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date Focus Area 10. International Cement Grand Hyatt Hotel, International Cement Review June 19-22, 201 1 • Asian cement trends Conference Nusa Dua, Bali, Old King's Head Court, • Latest energy saving technology CemTech Indonesia 15 High Street Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1AR, UK • Company strategies and future Email : ~ .hargreaves@CemNet.gom plans. Fax: Conference Secretary +44 1306 740 660 Web: www.Qemtech.gQm/Bali 11 . CemNet Website: 04 July 2011, • Cement Manufacturing e-Learning Training httg:/ /Training@CemNet.com 03 Oct. 2011 Technology (six week on-line Schedule 2011 training) in association with ICPA 11 July 2011 , • Cement Kiln Process 10 Oct. 2011 Chemistry (six week on-line training) 27 July 2011 • Cement Kiln Refractories Course (six week on-line training) 08 August 2011 • Grinding and Milling Systems 31 Oct.2011 (six week on-line training) 18July2011 • Cement Factory Maintenance 17 Oct. 201 1 (six week on-line training) 15 August 2011 , • Cement Factory Quality 07 Nov. 2011 Control (six week on-line training) 04 July 201 1 • Cement Kiln Pyroprocessing 03 Oct. 2011 (six week on-line training) 05 September 2011 • White Cement Manufacturing Technology (six week on-line training) 57