Cement, Energy and Environment

Biomass-based power tariff trends in key states State Tariff order Tariff (Rs. per kWh) Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Haryana Bihar Punjab Uttar Pradesh April2009 May 2006 August2005 December 2009 January 2005 March 2009 March 2004 August 2007 November 2009 May 2007 May 2009 December 2007 Draft Regulation, 2009 Source: Tariff orders of respective SERCs 4.50 3.15 1" year: 3.04 13lh year: 3.43 1" year: 3.66 13"' year: 4.13 2.85 (annual escalation of 2 per cent per annum on base tariff without compounding) Variable cost: 2.54-3.09 (2009-10 to 2013-2014) Fixed cost: 1.61-0.87 (1st to 1Oth year) Variable cost: 1.27-1.54 (2004-05 to 2008-09} 3.33-5.14 (1 " to 20lh year) 4.00 (for base year 2007-08} (annual escalation of 3 per cent per annum) 4.00 (for base year 2007- 2008) (annual escalation of 2 per cent per annum) Fixed cost: 1.99-1 .54 (1" to 10th year) Fuel cost: 1.34-1.90 (2009-1 0 to 2018-19) 3.49 (for base year 2006-07) (five annual escalations of 5 per cent up to 2011-12) 4.38-4.92 (2009-10 to 2013-14, for a plant commissioned in 2009-10) Bagasse-based cogeneration power tariff trends in key states State Tariff order Tariff (Rs per kWh) Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Gujarat May 2009 May 2006 January 2010 August2002 December 2009 January 2005 March 2009 March 2004 September 2008 January 2007 Source: Tariff orders of respective SERCs Courtesy: Renewable Watch, Vol. 1, February 2011 , Pp34-36. 4.37 3.15 4.79 3.05 3.59 2.80 3.19 2.74 2.80-3.84 (1 " to 20"' year) 3.00 40 -