Cement, Energy and Environment

no defined performance standards for them in India. One in five bulbs sold in India is a CFL; LEOs account for only eight per cent of total lighting. Khatri is unsure if the LEOs she bought will run for 50,000 hours as claimed by the seller. A CFL lasts for 6,000 hours and an incandescent bulb has a life span of 1,200 hours. about 33 per cent lower compared to the 2007 level. recommendations of the report was to set up Central The proposal follows the facility and standards. absence of One of the Institutional Mechanism (CIM), regulation on C02 emission Chaired by Pradhan, to standards for passenger cars transform Indian market in and according to the European favour of LEOs . According to Commission "is one of the last the industry representatjve body, outstanding measures Electric Lamp and Component announced in the EU Strategy to Manufacturers Association of reduce C02 em1ss1ons from India (ELCOMA), present market light-duty vehicles". of LEOs in India is estimated at The Commission had Rs. 120 million and expected to For Dinesh Kumar Gupta, a reach Rs. 21 billion by 2020 if proposed a tougher target for lighting shop owner in Delhi , the barriers are removed. 2020 - 135g/km - but that experience with popular LEOs proved more contentious as imported from Taiwan has been Courtesy: automakers lobbied for diluted bittersweet. "After I replaced Down to Earth, standards. Ministers agreed to CFLs with LEOs in my house the January 16-31, 2011, P29. soften that goal to 147 g. electricity bill dipped .-- - ------------- ---., Manufacturers who from Rs. 6,000 to exceed the limits will pay 4,000. However, the a fine of €95 (US$123) lets stopped working per g/km. after six months," he said Gupta now regrets making the switch. But in the new year people like Dinesh and Rashmi can hope to get long-lasting, energy-efficient lights at lower costs. "The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has finalized performance standards for LEOs. 300 1250 s"' 200 Cll C'l ~ ~ 150 <( Mitsushi Vokswagen Fist Ford Diesel + petrol class I, II & II ~~: ~~~~~ ~ ~ N N N Average mass (kg) of vans According to reports, Berlin initially resisted the measures, forcing a slightly weakening of the strategy to make it easier for its big automakers Mercedes and Volkswagen. T&E (Transport & Environment), a leading non-profit, said the automobile industry, backed by the governments of They are expected to be implemented in August this Year," -Average ~0 2 emissions weighteCJ by annual sales Germany, Italy and France, has succeeded in severely weakening an Source: European Commission said Girish Pradhan, add itional secretary in the Ministry of power. The standards, according to H C Kandpal, a member of the BIS technical committee, are mostly based on International Electrotechnical Commission standards, a global standards and conformity assessment body. In May 2010, Pradhan had released a report outlining four major barriers to growth of LEOs in India - high cost, no testing facility to check low quality of imports, no manufacturing EUROPE SETS FUEL– EFFICIENCY TARGET Europe has set fuel- efficiency targets for vans to cu rb greenhouse gases em1ss1ons. Environment Ministers who met at Brussels in December endorsed a deal to achieve em1ss1on of 175 grammes of C0 2 per kilometer by 2017 and 147 g/km by 2020 from vans . The 2017 target represents a 14 per cent reduction on the 2007 level of 203 g/km. The 2020 target is EU law setting C0 2 standards for new vans. T&E in a statement said that the industry claimed it couldn't make a 14 per improvement in van efficiency over nine years, but improved car efficiency more than three times that rate last year. Policy makers must do a better job of holding the industry accountable when it makes such claims, the non profit said. Courtesy: Down to Earth, January 16 -31, 2011, P16. 22