Cement, Energy and Environment

ENERGY EFFICIENCY & CONSERVATION Energy Security & Management COAL SHORTAGE MAY RISE 24% IN FY12 India's coal deficit will deepen sharply next year, Coal Minister Mr. Sriparkash Jaiswal said on 30.11 .201 0, forcing Asia's third largest economy to import more of the fuel. The coal shortage will be 104 MT in the next fiscal to March 2012, Mr. Jaiswal said, a jump of 23.8 per cent from the current year's estimate. Availability of coal , which accounts for more than half of the country's power generation capacity, for the power sector was seen at 388 MT in the current fiscal versus a requirement of 440 MT, the minister said. India has set a goal of adding 62 GW of generation capacity over a five– year period ending March 2012, with the bulk of that coal, in an attempt to reduce peak hour power shortages and provide electricity to millions of rural households. But, coal shortages have limited the power generation. Mr. Jaiswal said that India's projected coal demand for 2031/32 was about 2500 MT. India is expected to import nearly 84 MT in the current financial year, on top of local production of 572.37 MT, Mr. Jaiswal said in an interview in September. Courlesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 December 2010, Pp4-5. SCOPE FOR GENERATING 68 000 MW OF GREEN POWER: WORLD BANK REPORT The World Bank has stated in its latest report that India can generate 68000 MW of power, costing less than Rs.6 per Unit from renewable energy sources, a step that can address the country's energy security concerns. The report released here by the multilateral funding agency said the 68 000 MW of wind, hydro and biomass energy can be harnessed at less than Rs. 6 per Unit. "Developing indigenous renewable energy sources, which have low marginal costs of generation, are more economically viable in the long run ," the study titled "Potential of renewable energy in India" states. India's electricity demand is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 7.4 per cent in the next 25 years. The generation capacity will have to increase five-fold to keep pace with the growth of demand. At present, the installed capacity of the country stands at about 1.70 lakh MW from all sources of energy as per official data. The report also suggested that renewable energy development can be an important tool for regional economic development within the country. Courlesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 February2011, P11. Energy Efficiency INDIA TO SET ENERGY EFFICIENCY TARGETS FOR INDUSTRIES India will for the first time release energy efficiency targets for eight industrial sectors in April , in a move that is expected to save 10 MT of energy by 2013/14. The BEE has prepared energy efficiency targets for 580 industrial units in the eight sectors - thermal power, steel, fertilizer, cement, aluminium, chloralkali, paper, and textiles. The targets will be made public in April this year and industries will have to achieve them in a period of three years (2011 - 14). The targets are set by BEE, a statutory body under the power ministry. Each unit in a particular sector has to reduce its specific energy consumption and the percentage reduction for most efficient plant is less when compared to that for a less efficient plant. Non- compliance of set targets will call for penalty, which will be equal to the price of the target shortfall. Courlesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 January 2011 , P4. INDIA SET TO INTRODUCE STANDARDS TO ENSURE QUALITY IMPORTS OF LEOS Rashmi khatri is an astrologer. She recently renovated her office in Delhi, dividing it into two compartments-one for showcasing gemstones and other for attending clients . For the showroom space, she wanted adequate lighting without increasing the electricity bill. She chose imported light emitting diodes, or LEOs. LEOs have been hailed as the future lighting source. They are three times more efficient than Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL). A three-Watt LED can replace a 10-Watt CFL or a 40-Watt incandescent bulb. But an LED costs Rs.800 and upwards compared to a 100- ruppee CFL or a 10-rupee incandescent bulb. Apart from the high cost, LEOs are not popular because there are 21