Cement, Energy and Environment

Conclusion In summary, to a first approximation the materials would be suitable for cement manufacture. The lifetime of the deposits in acceptable combinations depends on the relative proportions of the different qualities of limestone and how they could be blended. The average of the entire deposit of limestone, combined with argillites and the mudstone would be acceptable if the relative quantities that can be exploited simultaneously are able to meet the chemical requirements. If the overall composition were to be confirmed as suitable, it will be necessary to distinguish between the different limestone qualities during exploitation to provide a consistent blended material to the raw mill. The example above was carried out without visiting the site and just using historical data from previous surveys and geological maps. It would now be necessarily to move stage 3 of the evaluation as described above. This will require a detailed investigation by experts in various fields of geology and engineering and will start to cost serious money. Courtesy: International Cement Review, January 2011, P64-66. Plant & Machinery HOLISTIC PLANT DESIGN This article first appeared in International Cement Review in January 2011 and is reprinted with kind permission of Tradeship Publications Ltd, United Kingdom. Email: info@CemNet.com Website: www.CemNet.com As part of the natural and urban landscape, industry is a major component and determinant of the image of our living environment. In the past, industry has often been designed on the sole criteria of its productivity without much concern for its outward appearance. However, attitudes are now changing as a number of cement plants are improving their visual impact as part of sustainable development efforts. Thierry Bogaert, Bogaert Architecture, France Today, there is good reason to include visual pollution among the major themes of action for sustainable development. The appearance of industrial sites and their huge edifices have a direct impact on the attractiveness of today's natural and urban environment. In the spirit of collective responsibility, things are now changing and many new projects have demonstrated this. 18