CEE Oct-Dec 2002

CEMENTDATA-IJOOK 3 VOLUME SET VOL I : Interna tional P1·o ~: ess E ug inec,.in g in t h c Cement Industry Co nte nts : Raw m a te ri al, Colc 11 /(I/ ion r~/ Row Mix compositio11, Coarse Si::e Rcduc/lon f~l Raw /vfaterials. D1:ring ul Raw Materials, Cement !'mduct1on and Grinding, Grinding IVork Index According to Bond 0'nmling Bull Data. Ali// Dri1·es. The Mill Shell - Opti111wn D1111ensions, Finishing Grinding. Spec1jic Alil/ Volume and Power Demand, Grinding !d ill Vo lume and Poll'er Demand, Roller Mills, Grinding ,\ fethvds in the Stole of De1·elupmenl, rlir Separators, Wet Grinding 111 Closed Circuits, Pre– ll om o ge n i::a1ion, P n e 11111 a 1ic !!omogeni::otion of'Rall' Mix. Fuels 111 the Cement lndu.\'lly. The Rotmy 1\i/n. The Raw /lfix Suspension Preheuter, Clinker ( 'oo/ing, Clinker Confers. Kiln Lining VOL 2: Elcctric:ll Engineering, Automa tion , S tora ge, T r a n s p o rtati o n , Despatch Con/ellis: Electrical Enf!_ineering i11 the Ce111e11t Industry, .·luromo/Jo/1. !l leasur111g and C ·ontrol. The Process Control ( ·unlfWIL'I', Control !'unels. H'oter in Ceme111 !'/ant. Type ol Cement. ('linker Storage, Finish Grinding. Selling and Floll'ability Problems of C 'l:'menl. C ·emen/ Silos. VOL 3: Raw Mat e rial for C eme nt Production 1988 Contents: Basic Con cepl s r~f Geology, Computeri::ed Rail' Material Evoluution, Drilling, Explos i vl:'s, Rippers, Loading. Precrushing in the Quarry, Tmcks, Proteclion ofRubber Tyres. CEMENT ENGINEER'S HANDBOOK 0. Labuhn. B. Kohl/was .f' 1 ' Edit1011 Co ntents : /n troduclion. Raw ma terials, Cement chemis try - Cement qua lity, Manuj(l(:ture of' cement. Packing and loading for despatch, Handling and feeding .\~rstem - Continuous Con reyors: Pr ocess engineer ing and aut o m a I ion, En vi rO II/11 e111a I protection and industr ial safely, Environmental protect ion, ;\laintenance and \l'ear: IJ'orkslwps om/spare ports store, /Voter SUJ?f?ly, Compressed air, Personnel requirements. Lubricanls. storage and consumption: Fire figh ting eq111]mwnt, Laboratmy eq111]mwnt. MODERNISATION AND T E C H N 0 L 0 G Y UPGRADATION IN CEMENT PLANTS S. N. Ghosh Content.\·: Technological Trends, Cement Science and Technv/ob')': Emerging Trends, Preparaiion and Quality .4S.\'III"W1Ce q/ Raw Afeu/s, Surj'ace Atfi 11 rng Techno/ogy Applicoh!(' to Opencust Mi11es. !?e– en,l!,ineering and Upgmdalfon. l?e– tlllnk. Re-engineering. Close the vops: New Cemen/ lnfiJI'IIIUt/On Managaement Solutions. Thermoana~vtical Techniques. Role t!l.Y-ray lnstmments. Particle Si::e Distrihulion. Science and application, Technologies '!I Nell' Concrete. Refmctorie.,· fiH Cement Kilns. Modem Techniques for Bricking of ( 'emenl Kilns, Roller ,\/ i/Is fa,. 1he N e II' Mille nn i 11111. Energy Efficient Conserl'allon OtJI io11.1'. A dvaneed 111 a intc.nunee .~vstems, Combustion and !!cat Transfer in Rotwy 1\i/ns, Clwng111g Markel ~~1 Fuels .for Ce111ent AI a 11 uj'act 11 rcrs. F:111 erging u II(/ co111peting Technologies .fi11· Purlieu/ate Si::e Cnntrn/ . Retn~fitting· rl ,)'olullon .for Air !'o/lution Cou1rol in Old Pion!.\, ,..J ir Quality A/ode/ling. 1\..t') Developments in ( 'c111enl /1 fwm(acturing. . ·I S_1'11opsi.l Courte~y : TechmjJ Books lntemaltonul Puhlisher.1, Disfrihu/0/'\' & Bookscllas 1\.-3-B. Ground Floor. Ka/kaji. Nell' Delhi - N. lndw , Fax: CJ/-1 /-6FJ6J I . Ph. (OJ/) 623.fl8! E-11w i 1: a ht t eel! booksra1vs n /.n e 1 & hnok.~ales 1a ~bol.net in URL . ll'li''l'. tedmohonks.cillll Printed by I lnrish Panchal and rub Iishcd by Harish Panchalon behalfof the Cement Manufacturers· Assoc iation at 21..J2-47 Gurudwa rn Road . Karo l l3agh. New De lh i- I I0 005 and printed at Insta nt Ol sd Printers. 1810 Kotla Mubarak pur. New Delh i - I I0 003 and published at New D~l h i . Ed itor A. V. Sri nivasan