CEE Oct-Dec 2002

. . . . ··.. . - NEW ARRIVAI:. 1 . . . . : ·. ,_· . I! 1 • _ • - _ I t GLOBAL \VARMING IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD- (PB) A Paperback ufRs.30 US$6 ISBN NO. 81-86906-1 2-6 From: CSE PUBLICATION (Publications price includes postage 1.mdfrmvard ing charges) Courtesy : Societyfor Environm enlal Communicatioll, -11 . Tuglakabad Institutional Area, N ell' Delhi - J 10062. TeL: 60811 10, 60RJJ 2-1 Fax. 9/ -/1 -6085879 Email: cse@cseindia.org I·Veb: W\1'\V.SOIVntoearlh.org. in SCHEDULE 01<' COSTS: FOR THE DIFFERENT ACT IVI TIES OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA A .K. Bhandari, Director (T) Government oflndia Ministty olMines No.1//2612000-M.l. New Delhi, the 9' 1 ' April, 2001 Government of lnd ia Ministty of" Coal and Mines Depar/ment of .Mines F. No. 1 I (29) 2002.M !. Nell' Delhi Dated 7.6.2002 Contents Sl. No. Methods I Geological Mapping I. Systemat ic geo log ica l mapp 1ng 2. Sys tema ti c geo logical mapp ing with the aid of PG & RS methods II Survey worl.: Ill Mi n er al sea rch eva luations IV Diamond core drilling v Geo log ic al logg in g bor eho les V I Geophysical s urveys VII Geotechnica l studies & of V IH Ai t·bornc Miner a l Su rvey & Exploration worl< IX Marine surveys X. GSI training courses XI. Laboratory studies: A. Palaeontology Laboratory B. Petrology Laboratory C. E. P.M.A. Laboratory D. Mineral Physics Laboratory E. Geochronology Laboratory F. Geotechnical Laboratory G. Chemical Laboratory II. Geodata Laboratory Letter from the Ministry - regarding approval of SOC-2001 L e tter from the Ministry - regardin g approva l of I0% escalation ofSOC-2001 w.e.f. April of each successive year Courle.~y : Published by Director General, Geological Survey of India, 2 7, Ja111ahurlul Nehru Road, Kolka fa - 700 016 and p rinted at Arunima Printing Works, 81 Simla Street, Kolkata - 700 006 NEW LITERATURE F. L. Smidth has released a number ofnew p ublications: • STANEX ball mi ll diaphragm • Enterprise Asset Maintenance • • • concept Co-processing of waste SF Cross-Bar Coo ler Meta llurgica l ana lys is of machine components CJS/MFR Fixed Inlet Cooler Retrofit • Addresses worldwid e, Jun e 2002 Copies of th ese publications may be ord ered via webs ite www.tlsmidth.com or download as PDF files. Courtesy: Highlights Novemher 2002 Fax: +-1536301820 Emuil: injo((ijjldl ·midth.com Web: · wwwjlsmidth.com 86 CEMENT PLANT ENVIH.ONMENTAL HANDBOOK Philip Kerton internationaL Cement Re view's new Cement Pl an t Environmental Ha nd book is schedu led for publication in early 2003. Sect ion s within th is ne w pu blication include: • GLOBAL ISSUES FO R INDUS TRY AND COMPANIES With co ntribu tion from Lafarge, RMC, He idelberg. Cemex, WWF and more ... • NATIONALANDREGIONAL • DEVELOPMENTS Info rm ed resea rch f rom Japanese Cement Indus try Assoc iatio n, th e VDZ Ge rmany . Ind ian Cement Sector/NC B.. T ur h: ish Cement Association, British Cement Associat ion ... QUARRYOPERATIONS Presenta ti ons from Holcim. Siam Cement.. Apasco .. . • PLANT DES IGN AND PERFORMANCE CBR Lixhe; Mi dloth ian/ Fuller, He ide lberg Techno logy Centre, Bogaert Architectu re, PMT Austria .... • EM ISS ION CONTROLS- FUEL EFF ICIENCIES Best !\. vai Iab le Tec hnologie s, Fut ure for Electrostatic Prec ipi tato rs, Exhaust Gas Cool ing, Fabric Filtration . Fue l Combustion and Burner Advances, Fans and Ventilati o n, SOx and NOx red uctio n. On - li ne Analysis.. SECONDARY FUELS AND RAW MATERIALS Strategies for Waste Fuel Burni ng. Was te Audi ting .. Tyre Burning Systems.. An