CEE Oct-Dec 2002

SN EVENT 46 li ANNOVER Fair 47 48 9th Internat iona l S) mpos ium o n Concrete Roads ACHEMA 2003 - World Forum for the Process Industries VENUE M umbai, India Istanbul , Turkey Frankf UJi am Main ORGANISER/CONTACT DATE Ms. Geeta Bisht, Indo Gennan Chamber o f 7-1 2 April, 2003 Commerce, Maker Tower ·E' Ist noor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005. Tel : 022-218613 1; Fax: 022-2180523 Email: hannover@indo-german.net Web: www.hannovermesse.de Daha fazla bilgi icin : T.C.M.B., Eskisehir Yolu 9 km P.K: 2 06582 Bakan liklar/ ANKARA Tel: 031 2 287 3250; Fax: 0312 287 9272 Email : info@tcma.org.rr DECHEMA e.Y. P.O. Box 15 01 94 D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Tel: ++(0) 69 7564-230/238 Fax: ++49(0) 69 7564-20 I Web: www.achema.de 27-30 Ap ril. 2003 19-24 May, 2003 FOCUS AREA .. -- Factory automation mechanical cngtnccnng. electrical engineering Industrial IT & software Subcontracting Micro technology tvlotion driYc & automation - po11 a transmission & control Energy - energy management. technology & renewable energy Compressed air & vacuum technology Factory equipment & tools ~~--~--~--~~------~ Design and $pccifications - lire cycle analysis Materials ror concrete pavement Construction maintenance and in situ repair technique5 Cement stabilization. cracking - sali.:ty - environment– low noise concrete Research and innovation Eng ineers. p lant design and construction Mechanical and thermal processes Laboratory and analytical techniques Instrumentation, control and automation Pumps compressors, valves and fittings Pharmaceutical technology Packag ing storage techniques Mate rials techno logy Industrial and labour sa fety Biotechnology Env ironmental protection