CEE Oct-Dec 2002

• 18TH TECHN ICJ\ L SYMPOSIUM or- TI IE ;\SEAN FEOERJ\T!ON OF CEME T MJ\NUfACTURERS • News From Europe • View From I3russe ls • Cement Sh orta~e- Vietnam • Taiwan's Cement Production And Sales Increase • CEMENT I I CI liN/\ • REGULATION ~EWS Wehsite • BI LL 0 STATUTORY BODI ES SOO!\ FOR BETTER GI~ IP ON IIIGHWAYS • BREJ\TII E LIFE INTO LAW [Want to tron~flmnmarkelwi!lwut deeending on !he 'stick' opproach] • EVICTION ISSUE GETS THORN IER fMoEF's .nreepingdirecti\'e on jiJresl encrouclunenls emke.\ sfrung reaclion/ • SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTIO:'l • eFFECT Of SU PF::RPLJ\STICIZER DOSAGE ON PROPERTI ES OF fLYASII CONCRI.:.TE • CONCRETE ROADS IN EUROPE [Strute,t,'Y 1usk gml'f' ofEurupewJ l?euc/1' ,\1/i.r Concrele Urgani::.ulion] • FOOT PATH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT • Plan To Make Sp r:1y Plasters • l,ONG-TERM DURABILITY STUDIES WITH PORTLJ\ND SLJ\G CEMENT • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6-+ 65 66 66 67 67 67 68 ~ Wehsite ()3 • WILL !TOPE UPSUSTAINJ\BLEOPPORTU , !TI ES? [Jolwnneshurg .)'wnmil/ 70 • Production Thru Unsound Means Causes Eco Damage : Study (-hl'e.,·smenl Reporl on agenda 11- agreed a/ Rio Ecmh Summtl in ICJ<;1J • 1-:co- Face Ii rt {\loEF pmjL'CI sci /()give a ne ll' look to seven Indian cil ies 1 • HON ING TI IC STRATEGY f/-Jighlights (~j'the intervi 'll' with the recently LIJJfJO inted ('EO ol J-Jolcim/ • Constru ction Summit- Building Infrastructure - Going Global /!otnl~l' Urgonisecl hy CFI and C/1} • India May fi nd Cl imate Conference Too I lot • 24 CPICCNTRES LN T'iCR: STUDY • In stituti on OfF:ngineers Call s For Recast OfNational ·3uilcling Code • CMJ\ ·s 4 1 ' ' i\NNUJ\L SESS IO I [Housinf!., !Iiglnr(~' s. Rum/ Roads fJmpwnmes seen boosting ojfiake j • R'.:newnbks Target • Johannesburg Declaration On Sustainable Development • The b.U. Energy Initiati ve • CIIINA A 0 ELECTRIFICATION • Cement Prices Set To Ri se As Capacity Rem<~ ins Stagnant • CEO'S COMMITMENT TOWARDS ENERGY EFFICIENCY WILL PROVE TO l3E TH E KEYSTONE FOR ITS SUCCESS: EXPERTS 6 ~ lf'ebsile ~ Weh.1ite 70 ~} Wehsile ~ ll 'ehsile 71 ~ Wehsite 71 } Weh,;Je T2 c:::> Website ,. ~ ' t