CEE Oct-Dec 2002
I · NEWS BRIEF ENERGY Textiles Rad io f'req uency ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS IN INDIAN END-USE ~NDUSTRIES dryers: lo\\· energy bleac hing proce sses. resi n finishing. roam techniques for printing and finishing. r a pi dogcn develo pment. use of smal ler warp diameter sp indle, single-stage bleach ing processes: others Dr. S11dhir ,c..,·twrma ond .·lhhijit Cha/J(!Ijee, Climate ( '/wnge Unu, ll'inmck lntC'mulionullndia Taw Enei',l.'Y Dutu Directmy and l'ear Book (l'EDD}j :loon 2 00 I Sector Iron and St,'cl Possible Energy F.fticiency measures Import of good quality cok ing coal, phasing ou t open -hearth furnaces. fas ter dissemination of continuous cas tin g process Average . Energy saving Potential 10% to ~0% Paper & Pulp Fertiliser Bricks Cogeneration: c hem ical recovery systems, upgradation of old plants Fuel swi tchi ng (coal to gas): e ne rgy conservation measures in ammonia and urea plants Variable 10% Cement Conve rs ion to d ry At least 10% : Technology Sv\' i[ch from clamps to Bull Trench & Venical ' haft kilns Average 20% max possible 50% Chlor– i\lkali processes ; waste heat recovery: fu el– switc hing: improvements in raw material preparation, cemen t gri nding and pyro-processing Shill to membrane cell tec hnol ogy; improved exchangers use of heat for ammo ni a recovery; heat recovery from ammonia still CEMENT INDUSTRY CAN SAVE RS. 20 CRORE ON ENERGY The .\'tule.wwn ./uipur. 30. I0. ]{)()] The cement industry can save Rs. 20 crore annunlly by red ucing its energy consumpti on. The sector can also save around 2000 million kWh electrical energy and 1.3 million tons or coal every yea r b) Depend'i on plant 15% Alum- lllll!In Automated alum ina 15% -10% feedi ng and ce ll o p e rat io n ; improvement in anode and cathode designs; provi s ion of gas c leaning, by d ry scrubbing Cour1e.1y: The !3111/etin on Enl!rgy E.fficienc\' I l lig 2002, PJ9, Fax: 91 -11-61-1600-1 E-mui1: efficienn·,a red(ffinuil com!lrinroc:k a 'I ·sn/. c:om IVeh: ll'll'll', rene1l 'ingindio.org incorporating ne\\ techniques. The meeting ''as convened at the initiative of the Bureau or Energy Efficiency. a nd was altended by experts and around 50 representatives of various companies. "Cement is considered a high energy-consuming industry, but it has the poten tia l to reduce the consumpt io n of e lec tr ica l :tnd thermal energy. The sector can also save 300 MW by using waste heat for co-generation ofpU\\er: · Mr. M K Sing_hi, Executive Director. Shrcc Cement. sa id at a meeting or the task Ioree on cement. 58 Courte.1y: Ce111ent Nell's Digesl {JI -0-1 Oct. 2002. P6. Fox: 0/ l-5-38.r6 1::-moi/: cmumka ,ncla ,-.1'!1/.colll URL : ll'll'\I'.CII1uindiu org
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