CEE Oct-Dec 2002

20 I 0 even if the waste market involves a lot of elements of uncertainty. Fossil C0 2 emissions are due to the energeti c use of fossil fuels. Cemsuisse undertakes to limit these emissions to 740 000 t (44 percent less than· 1990) in the year 20 I 0. This goal is far beyond the fuel reduction of 15 percent required accord ing to the C0 2 Act and can only be reached if the confederate and cantona l authorities actively promote a sufficient availability of substitute fuels. Geogenic C0 2 emissions are caused by processes. Though they are not covered by the C0 2 Act, Cemsu isse undertakes to red uce these emissions by 738 000 t, or 30 percent, until 2010. The reduction commitment of Cemsuisse amounts in total to 1324000 t for the period from 1990 until 20 I 0. According to the C0 2 Act, the C0 2 emissions must be reduced by approx. 4.35 million tons until 2010. Thus, Cemsu isse essentially contributes to discharge the commitments included in the Kyoto Protocol. Courtesy : ZKG international Cement - LimeGypsum No. 7/ 2002(Vol.55), P 8, Fax: 49(0) 5241 80 94114 E-mail: ansia.czakan@bertelsmann.de ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS FROM TURKEY Journal of TCMA The Last Status in Emission Permits Totally 29 plants wh ich are Tu rki sh Cement Manufacturers ' Association (TCMA) members, including 21 integrated cement factories and 8 grind ing-packaging plants, have rece ived their em iss ion permits. The latest cement plants wh ich have received emissions permits are Kars and Cimentas Izmir Cement" Plants. "Waste Oil Control Regulation" Draft has been prepared by the Ministry of Env ironment and submitted to rel ated foundations for oprnrons The draft regulation has been prepared according to Hazardous Waste Control Regulation and related Eu ropean Union directives regarding the collection, temporary storage. transfer, recove ry and disposal of the waste oi ls. Ministry of Env ironment has submitted the so-called regulation to the re lated foundations, including Turkish Ce ment Manufacturers ' Association, in order to obtain and assess the opinions. The Changes in "Env ironmenta l Control Regulation" have been published in 57 Official Gazette on 24'" July 2002. Only "General Information'· part of the Annex- I will be given to the Ministry unti I 30'" November 2002. However, there is no necessity for the plants which have submitted the Activity-P lant Information Form before. The other parts shou ld be ready at the plant for the inspection by the authority. Counci l for Quality and Environment has deserved to get "TS EN ISO 900 I: 2000 Quality Management Sy~tem" Licence The preparation stud ies for the Quality Management System which is the base for the accreditation process of other systems have been completed and applied from 1" July 2002. The system has been inspected on 7-8'h August 2002 by Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) and Counc il for Quality and Environment has deserved to get "TS En IS 900 I: 2000 Quality Management System" Licence Courtesy : Cement and Concrete World, Jul.-Aug. 2002, Pp 29-30 Fax: (90312) 2879272 E-mail: info@tcma.org.tr Web: www.lcma.org.tr