CEE Oct-Dec 2002
Emissions reduclion Internal business processes of emiss ions, and find • Make emiss ions data solutions to more read ily publicity avai lab le and assess emi SS IOnS of accessib le to su bstances, s uch as stakeholders by 2006 dioxins and volati le • Set em issions targets on orga ni c com pound s re levant materials and (VOC's.) report publ icly on progress. Local impacts 1 Investigate methods to track the performance of th e ceme nt industry inc lud ing deve lopmen t and use of key performance indicators Produce a full progress report after 5 years, and an interim report after 3 years 1 Integrate s ustainable development programs into exi st ing ma nagement. monit– ori ng reporting systems • Publish a statement of bus iness ethics by 2006 • Estab lish a systematic dia logue process with stakeho lde r to understand and address their expectations 1 Develop gu id lines for an • Env ironmental and Soc ia l Impact Assessme nt (ES IA) process whi ch can be used at all cement plant • s it es an d associated quarries Apply th e ES IS guidelines. and develop tool s to integrate them into deci sion making processes. Draw up rehabilitation plans for their operating quarries and plant sites, and communicate them to local stake holders by 2006 • Repo rt progress on developing stakeholder e n gagement programmes • Deve lop documen ted and audita b le e n vironmen t al management systems at al l plants. s poke of the ope nn ess and able to achieve this on its own; as on 17 June - a n important step transparency of the process and of movi ng forwa rd wi th the Agenda. He mentioned that an interim public report wi ll be publ ished in 2005, wi th a full 5-yca r progress report and re vised agenda becoming avail able in2007. On behalf of the ten major producers, he issued an in vitatio n to all other cement companies to join in the initiative and imp lement the Agenda as a whole . He also invited interested third parties ·to work in partnership with the ten on specifi c proj ects. What was apparent from the comments made by all the speakers and by the ir answe rs to a whole range of questions from the tloor, was that for companies to remain in bus in ess. to cont inu e to be compet it ive and to ac hi eve sustainable development, they must engage wi th other sectors of society vvho have impo1tant roles to play in add res si ng env iro nm ental and social issues. No company will be one eminent speaker succinctly put it "Companies in many countri es will want to follow the example set by the multi nati onals. 1n time they wil l be s ubject to env ironmental leg is la ti on and if th ey do not compl y, eventua ll y th ey will be forced to close clown'. Courtesy: World Cement Aug. 2002, Pp 8-9, Fax: +(0) 1252 718992 E-mail : mail@worldcement.com URL: www. worldcement. com NEGOTIATIONS ON REDUCTION OF C0 2 EMISSIONS SUCCESSFULLY TERMINATED The negotiations between the Department of the Environment, Tra ns port, Ene rgy an d Communication (UVEK) and the Association of the Swiss Cement Industry (Cemsui sse), on th e limitation of the C0 2 emissions was successfull y tE'rm inated in Zurich 56 towards volu ntary meas ures based on the C0 2 and Energy Act. The Swiss cement industry will be the fi rst industrial branch with \Vhic h th e UVEK will s ign a branch agreement on the reduction of co" emissions. The audit is sti ll missing to which all agreemen ts of this kind will be s ubmitted . After the summer hol idays the agreement wi ll be checked by independent experts with regard to conform ity wi th the guidelines. It will only be signed after the audit. UVEK and Cemsu isse reached a n ag reemen t on all impo rtan t items. Cemsu isse undertakes: to limit t he fo ss i l CO, em issions so that they wi II be reduced by 44 percent in 20 I 0 as opposed to those of 1990 to reduce the proce ss C0 2 emiss io11s by 30 percent unti I 2010 to keep the substitute fuels on th e level of 40 percent unti l ,. -
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