CEE Oct-Dec 2002

- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT CONSENSUS ON ISSUES AT EARTH SUMMIT Bn,mes' Line Bureuu ,\l'll' De!h1 Scp 3. 2002 The plenar) of Environment Ministers at the Earth Summit in Johannesburg has agreed on some con tenti ous issues, such as bio– diversit:, \\;Her and sani tati on. management of natural resources. changi ng consump tion patterns. climate change and labour ~tam!Jrd->. accord ing to an oflicial communique is sued here o n ruesclo). I he f'vlinisterial plenary of the summit has agreed on evol ving an international regi me to ensure fair and equit able sharing of the benefits arising rrom the usc or gt: netic resou rces within th e framework or the Convention or B io-divcrsi t). With regard to \\ ater and saniration issues. it \\as decided to halve the proportion or people '' i thout access to sare drinking \\ater and basic sani tation racil ities b) 20 15. Issues of cco-l(lbelling \\Crc not included in the text. as it could be misused as a trade barrier. On energy-re lated i ssues. the summit would take up a proposal ci rculated by the G-77 cou ntries. which incorporates I ndi a's concerns. The proposal recognises that access to energy f(lcilitatcs eradication of poverty. ( 'o 11rte.sy : The B11siness Line Sep. .J. 2002, J>:: CONCRETE COMMITMENT fwd Maxwell-( 'onk In parallel with the preparatory work and study at th e Bat telle Memorial I nstitut e. stakeholder dialogues were he ld in Curi tiba. Bra7.i l. BangJ...ok. Lisbon. Cairo. Washington DC, 13russel s and 13eiji ng. The purpose or these sess ions was t o li sten to the c:-..pectations or kc) stakeholders. and exp lore ''hat th ose c:-..pectations mean for the future or the industry. The Cement Sustainabi I it) Initiative. which began in 1999. is " co ntribut ion or the ten major cemen t companit:s working '' ith the World Busi ness Counc i l for Sust ainab le De,elopmt: nt ( Wf3CS D) tO\\'<! rei sust <J i nab le development. The len compan ies nrc: Ccmex. Cirnpor. 1-kiddbcrger C cmenl . II o lc i 111 . l ta Ice nwnt i . Laf arge. RMC. Siam Cement. Taiheiyo and Votornntim. and together these companies opera te about l\\0 th i rds of the \\Oriel' s cement markets. The companies have idcntiticd six key areas \vherc they be l ieve that th e cement s ustain<.~bil i ty Ini tiative can make a signilicalll contribution to achie\ ing a more sustainable soc iety. L alarge's B ertrand Collomb Summary of the Agenda for Action Fuels and mll' muleriuls Joint Jmuect\ lhe cement Sustainability lnitiati\e intcnds to create JOint prl)j ects to: lutfi vitfu al company action s As pa rt or our ongoi ng com mitment to good pr::1cticeand innovation in sustainable development. companie~ agrcl.! to: ( '/111wle proll'C/1011 • De\ dopa cmbon dio\idc (CO. ) Protoco l !'or th e cement industry. (Proj ect ;dread~ dcli vcred)• \Vorl-. "i th WBCSO/ World Resources Institute ( \\'R l) and other <>rga n l~a ti o n '> tn in' estig.ate pub! ic plllicy and marl-.et mcchanlsms rur re dl!Cln p. CO , emissions • l he the tools set out in th e CO, protocol to defi ne and make their baseline em iss ions • Develop a c l i mate change r11iti gation stratCg). and publish targets and progress b) 2006. • Report annually on CO, \.!111 issinlh in line witli the protocol 55 • Develop a se t of • Apply th e gu ide lines gu idelines for the developed for fuel and responsib le usc of raw material use conventional and alternative fuels1lnd raw materials in cement kilns F:llljilo.\'L'C heulth and Sc!fi.:ty • Se t up a l l ealth and • Respond to the ~afet: I' as!-. f or ce. recommendat ion~ ofthe (Project already l lealth and Sa lc t' rasl-. delivcred .) For ce on sys tem s, • Establ ish a l lea lth nnd measurement and public Sal'et v in fo r 111 a 1 ion reporting cxchange £mi.\sio11s reduction • Deve lop an indust r) • Appl y the protocol for protocol for m easu r e ment. m easu r ement, mon itonng and mon itoring and n.:porting reporting 01' em iSS ! On~ ( 'onld