CEE Oct-Dec 2002
handled sa fely according to the pro' isions of Hazardous \V:1ste (Ma nagement & ll andling ) Rules, 1989 '" ith amendments. 6.0 Chairman , NTF invited Shri Mahe nd ru to mak e a prese nt ati on on fl yash management in GGSSTPS. Shri :Vlahendru highlighted that about 14.4 lac tonnes/annum of ilyash is gene rated from GGSSTPS. out of \\'hich about 7 lac tonnes/ ::Jnnum is collected in dry form . li e informed th at more ES P fi elds are Iikely to be hooked up for dry co ll ecti on o r fl yash. GACL is utilising, llyash in dry form vvhilc ACC is lil'ting.about 700-800 tonnes/day ash in \ \ Ct I(Hm. 6. 1 \Vhilc repl ying to a query. Shri C! hai said that tl yash in ash pond also includes bottom ash whi ch conta ins more unburn t carbon. rhis reduces the lime reacti vi ty ~111 d ultimately the qua Iit y or ceme nt. Therefore, flyash from :1~h pond requires prope r treatment be fore blending \\'i th cement. While tak ing 1lyash from ash pond, enly top surl~1ce is \\·et wi th mo isture content between 8- 10%. This red uces th e fugiti ve emi ss ions during loading /unloading. lie added tha t at ACC, llyash is unloaded in cove red hoppers. It is then dried in the dryers using waste hea t o r c li nker coole r gases. Flyas h is th en co n\ eyed pneum:1tically. Shri Ghai also highlighted the following points: Proporti on of wet rl yash '~hich can be utili ted is different than dry flya~h. Quality of wd ll yash needs to be improved. More R&D is required. Govt. should give subsidy on tlyash util ization. 7.0C hairm an, NTF inv it ed representati ve orGACL to make a prese ntati on on " Flyash Utilization and Pollution Control in Ropar Unit". Shri Mishra presented the environment part. He informed that bag ti llers are installed at truck tippler, clinker storage . fl yash sil o. pack ing plant and all material handli ng i.e. load ing, unl oadin g and transfer points. I·:SP is installed wi th ce ment mill. All a ir po lluti on con trol equipments (A PC E) are designed to meet pm1iculate matte r emissionof70 mg/Nm '. Flyash is conveyed pne umati call y and stored in silos. All other material is stored in covered yard to avoid fugitive CITIISSIOn. 8.0Shi·i Duggal presented the fl yash utilization pa1 of'GACL, Ropar. He info rm ed th at fl yas h utili zati on has increased from I I% in I995 to 25% at present. 54 Ropar CGU is ge tting fl: ash from !i rst and second fie ld of ES P o f CiGSST P. l ie highl ight ed tha t GAC L is construc ti ng n 700-m interna I road by high vo lume n:rash concrete. whcri n 50% ore 3nd 50% llyash is being used . 1'11c life or such road is about 25 years, while li rc or asphalt ro3d is about 2 years. Cost of high vol ume llyash concrete road is comparable to aspha lt road. l ie emphasized that th is road '' ill be a model for others to encourage utilization or !lyash in cemen t concrete road. After meeting, NTF visited the grinding uni t, high-,·olume - n:a~h concrete road or GACL and ash pond area of GGSSTP . During visit Member Secreta ry, CPCI3 expressed the concern abo ut the vehicular pollution caused due to th e transpo rt or clinker from Dara laghat, Himac hal Pradesh to Ropar by truds. Shri Saxena repli ed that lay ing of rail wa) li ne is quite cost ly, therefo re, GACL was le!l with no other option than to adopt the road transport system for clinker transportation. The high -volume- llyash concrete road being constructed by GACL as intcrn:1l road was seen and appreciated o: TF members. In this road 50% OPC and 50% 1lyash is being used in mak ing, concrete.
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