CEE Oct-Dec 2002
ESP tripping s was a lso high lighted. Necess ity of enhancing CO limit to reduce ESP tripping was also presented . (Action: CMA, cemen t industries. ESP Manufacturers). 3.1 Dr. Ghosh stated that the problem of SSP trippin g has reduced in the pl ants where imported coal is being mixed with Indian coal. He stated that the pr ob lem i s clue to poor quality of coal. Shri Murugan stated that by sincere effot1s/tine tuning, ESP tripping has been reduced from more than 90 to about 3 per day, that too for 15 seconds each. Sh ri Dugga l added that i f spark level is controlled electronically. then CO limit cam be enhanced. I n Cpic-3, spark can be controlled unci energy is also saved. It was discussed that the following mechanism may also be adopted from poll ution control point or VIeW. In terlocking of kiln operation with ESP (Action: CMA, Cement Industries) Recording of no. of ESP tri pping wi th duration (Ac tion : CMA . Cement I ndustries) Churge on ESP tripping, i.e. Polluter Pays Principle 4.0Members poi nted out tha t CPWD is not amending the spcci fi cations. for use of flyash in str uctural componen ts. CPWD is engaged in only 2% or total construction work, but their specifications are followed by various State Govt. Agencies. Therefore. there is an urgent need to amend CPWD speci lications to enhance tlyash utili sation. IRC has al lowed PPC and PSC for brid ge const ruction. (A ction : CPWD, flyash Mission) Dr. (Ms.) l3hat sa id that quality of Flyash w.r.t. unburnt carbon is very imporrant. She emphasized that one-to-one tie up between cement plant and TPP is the need of the hour. Dr. Ghash stated that flyash should be available free of cost to the end use r but it is not happening practi ca ll y . Shri Gopinath pointed out that some TPPs are charging Rs. 70/- per tonne of fl yash as handli ng charges. 4. 1Member Secretary informed that considerable quantity of fl yash has been utilized in Delhi Metro Rail Project. It was also informed th at in a Public I nterest L itigation , Court has asked MoEP to issue notices on behal f ofthe HighCourt ofDelhi to all concerned to submit the ac ti on plan to utili se I 00% fiyash. Accord ingly on 16.9.02 notices have been issued to al l TPPs and SPCBs. Members pointed out that an OPC manufactu rer is creating wrong impress ion in pub l ic through advertisement that their product is superior as it does not contain ash. Such adverti sements may be seen on a num be r o f TV channel s. Emphasis was given to initi ~te action to stop such advertisements. CMA should take the lead i n the matter. (Action: CMA) 4.2Member Secretary stated that Dr. A. K . Si ngh of Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. may be requested to present the data of fugitive em iss ion monitoring along w ith the strategy fo r prevention, abatement and 53 con trol of fugitive emiss ions. (Act ion: Dr. A. K. Singh) 5.0 During the discussion on energy conservation, it was informed that out o f 100 million tonnes cement, about 65 million tonnes is produced from modern cement plants. Best ene rgy consumpti on is 670 kca l/ kg clinker in the country. Recently a mee ting wa s held in Goa wherein cement industries have made a commitment to reduce energy consumption. There are someuni ts, wh ich are not energy e f ficient but in the present competitive market only those indust ries will survive which are energy efficient. Energy efficiency is the only area where industries can make efforts to reduce thei r production cost. It wa s informed th at ene rgy consumption can be reduced by 3-4% in modern cement plants and 15-20% in old cement plants. Another 5% reduction i n ener gy consumpti on i s possib le by in-house upgradation. (Act ion: CMA. Cement Industries) 5.1 Dr. Ghosh informed th at in France, 30% Municipal Sol id Wa ste is consumed as fuel in cement manufacturing. Shri Kapur sa id th at possibilit y of utilization of'B io-medical Waste as kiln fuel substitute may be explored by R&D organizations. NCB representati ve said that a proj ect on .. Uti l ization of ll azardous Waste in Cement K iIn'' has been just submittcd to CPCB. Member Sec retary expressed that project cost is Rs. 25 L akhs and such projects require pC!rt funding from CMA. Chairman, NTF op ined that haza rdous waste has to be
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