CEE Oct-Dec 2002

Inspec Fibres carries out testson request rrom operatorsand conducts ga-; analyses all over the world. but mostly across Europe. I n most cases the mechani ca l burden i s responsible fo r th e premature failure and therefore the bag ana lys i s is reduced to microscop ic exam ination o f the surface and the cross-section o f the bags as well as remainin g air pe rmeabi l ity . Probl ems are overcome by chang ing to l ess sensi ti ve need le felted material s, reducti on o f the air-to-cloth ratio. increased number o f cage wires or cyclones upstream of the bag unit to reduce dust burden and abrasion. ( 'ourte5J': World Cement Aug 2002, Pp 77-79, Enqui1y no: 13 Fax: +-1-1 (0) 1252 718992 Email: mail @worldcement.com URL: www. worldcernent. com THIRD MEETING OF THE CPCB- CONSTITUTED NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT TASK FORCE FOR CEMENT INDUSTRY The Central Polluti on Control B oa rd (CPCB) con stituted a '·National Tas k Force (NTF ) for Implementation o f Envi ronmental Standards in Cement industry"' with Shri Paritosh Tyagi, Ex-Chairman CPCB as its Chairman. The Task Fo rce held 3 mee tings so far, 20 May, 2002 and 2 I A ugust 2002 at Pari vesh Bhavan CPCB Delhi and on 28 September, 2002 at Ropar grind ing unit o f Gujarat A mbuja Cements L td (GACL) at Ropar. Punjab. T he first two meetings dealt wi th de li berations f rom different Agencies (11 1S. CPCB, consulting agencies, Flyash Mission of DST , nom i nated representatives from cement plants - Ambuja Cement. Birl a Cement, Jnclia Cements , MoEF, NCB, Representati ves rrom State Pollution Control Boards of AP. Delhi, Punjab, etc) on waste recycling, emission control norms and monitoring mechanisms and measures. In the third mee ting, a few concrete work plans had been evolved and responsibilities were delegated to different agen cies. Following are the relevant extracts from the third meeting. (i) The present em ission standards for cement plant s are concentration based. However, there is need to introduce load based emis sion stand ard s. CPCB has published a document on ''Development of Emission Factors for Cement Industries··. With the help of these Emission f-actors, one can calculate the average quantum of pollutants being emitted from the cement pl ant. Similarl y, another exerci se is required to develop load based emiss ion standards based on State-of- the- ar t pollution control technologies. (Action: CPCB) (i i) Pet coke is being used as fuel by some cement plants. By using pet coke as fuel in kiln, V and N i ar e emitted into the env ironment along with higher S0 2 emissions. T hi s is also likely to increase the S0 3 content in clinker. Cement industri es should attempt to make materi al balance for sulphur and submit the data to CPCB. A clear fue l po li cy i s thus required fo r cement plants. (Acti on: CMA, Cement Industries and BlS) (iii) In the first meeting o f ]\TF. a list o f non-complying cement industries -.vas circulated. Now, 51 the National Task Force should guide lor the future cou rse of action. (J\ction: CMJ\. NTF members) ( iv)ln cement plants generally grab sampii ng for stack mon itoring is carried out. which do not present the whole pictu re. There is a need of conti nuous monitoring of stack em iss ions. (J\ct i on: CM A , Cement Industries) (v) lligh quality limestone is used for the product ion of clinker by the cement ind ust ri es . A nat ional po li cy shou ld be evolved to utilise the available low/me·d ium grade l imes tone also. (Act ion: NCB) (v i)Cement sector is one of the large green house gas emitte rs. I ntern at ional Agencies arc giving financial assistance for reduction in green house gases. (Action: CMJ\) (vii)A National Task Force meeting on Thermal Power Plants (TPP) was held on 23-24 J\ugust 2002 at Dahanu, wherein the issue of flyash utili zation was diswssed in detai l and the T PPs pu t forward their problems and view points. A combined meeting of both the NTFs may be convened where flyash genera tors and users can discuss the ir problems and come out wi th solut ion to enhance the flyash util izati on. (Action: CPCB) (vi ii)Cement industries have made effotis to control stack em ission but almost no signi ficant attempt has been made to control fugit ive emissions. which directl y af fec ts the hea lth or t he workers . Therero re, Guidel i nes arc required to be evolved to contro l the rug i tive em iss i on from cement industr ies. (Action: CPCB)