CEE Oct-Dec 2002
I. IWith the above issues, Member Secretary thanked Shri Y. K. Saxena of Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd and Guru Govind Singh Super Thermal Power Station (GGSSTPS) for !1osting the meeting at Ropar. Chairman, National Task. Force. in his opening remarks expressed his gratitude to GAC L for organising the third meeting of NTF at Ropar. He said that the issues highlighted by Member Secretary. wil l be taken up in thi s and th e subseq uent meeti ngs. 2.0Whi le confirming the minutes of the second meeting of NTF, it was di sc ussed that fol lowing amendments are required: In para 3. " 1 n response to a query form Chairman , NTF Shri Batra informed that fuels. vvhich do not g ive flame may be used 111 pre-calcinato r'' may be replaced by '· In response to a query from Chai rman, NTF Shri Batra infonned that flame less combustion is preferred in pre– calcin<Jtor.'' In para 6, " BIS allows 5% addition of flyash even in OPC manufacturing. Thi s also needs to be promoted. Shri Pant informed that 5% 11yash can be added in cement as performance improver" may be replaced by ·'Shri Pant informed that there is a proposal under consideration fo r addition of vmious performance improvers in OPC before the concerned techni cal committee ofBIS, and the same is yet to be tinalizecl.'' In para 8(b) '-' Revision of IS 38 12 - the code is proposed to be brought out in 5 parts: (i) for use as pozzolana and admixture in cement mortar and concrete (under issuance). (ii) flyash in lime pozzolana mixture appl ications, (iii) sin tered applications, (iv) geotechnical and (v) agricultural application" may be replaced by '·Revision of IS 38 12- for use oftlyash as pozzolana and admixture in cement, mortar and concrete (under issuance). For other app li cations different new Indian standa rd s are being brought out''. In para 9 •· Revised concrete code namely IS 456: 2000 gives suitable recommendations wi th regard to use of various types of cements including blended cements for concrete making, covering also when these could be used with advantage under certain adverse situations'' may be added. 2.1 Member Secretary, CPCB and Chairman, NTF emphasized that in order to improve the performance of NTF, every organization should nominate a member a nd an a lternate member to attend the NTF meetings and preferably the nominated or the a lte rn ate member only should attend the meetings. (Action: Al l NTP members) 2.20n the request ofCMA, Shri K. M. Kavadia ofGujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. and Dr. K. C. Narang of Dalmia Cement (B) Ltd . were co-opted as members of the National Task Porce. 2.3S hri Kapur informed that subgroup report on "Feasibil ity of Utili zation of Hazardous Waste as Kiln Fuel " has been rece ived from NCB which includes a project proposal (study in two phases) requiring 52 a budget of Rs. 25.00 lacs. 1\ copy of the subgroup report was given to every NTP member for their comments. (Action: All NTPmembers). In the next NTF meeting, NCB wi ll present the subgroup report. (Action: NCB) 2.4A nother subgroup report on "Utilization ofFiyash in cement Manufactming" is still awaited from Shri Saxena. It was discussed that in this subgroup Dr. K. M. Sharma and Dr. Vimal Kumar may also be included. apart from representative of ACC Ltd. (Action : Sh. Y. K. Saxena) 3.0Chairman, NTP requested Shri Kapur to make a presentat ion on subgroup report on '' Instrumentation for Process and Pollution Contr·JI " . Shri Kapur during his pr..:sctilation highli ghted that due to incomplete combustion of' coal CO is formed and ESP is made to trip due to safety reason!>, when CO exceeds 0.4%. When ESP gets trip, high cone ,,r particulate matter is emilled into the environment without any control \vhich is the concern of C PC [3 . II e in fo rm ed I hat preblending system for ..:oa l should be adopted to get uniform coal quality and thus to reduce ESP trippi ngs. He emphasized the need for the installation 0 f state-of-the-a rt distributed control logic system whi ch reduce s th e ca lcin er firing, step by step , as CO increases. The importance of rep lacement of analog weigh feeders for kiln and coal reed with 1111 c ro processor based we igh feede rs, improved ESP controllers and need for multi– channel burners in reducing the ..
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