CEE Oct-Dec 2002
- diesel oil and heavy oil. T he rotary ki In is designed to be 5.2m dia x 82 m long and supported '' ith 3 support stations so that the o;,peci fic capacity of the k il n is 139 kg clinker/m' h. The maximum rotating speed or the kiln is designed at 3.5 rpm so that the retention time of the raw meal i5 app rox imat ely 20 min , which is required for the raw meal in the kiln for complete calc ining and sintering. T he grate area is designed to have a specific cooling capacity of about 45 tpd/m 2 for ensuring the outlet cli nker temperature of 65°C above ambient temperature. Ra'' material is dri ed and ground in the mill to a fineness of 12% residue on a 90 11 sieve and a moisture content of 1.0% or less on a wet basis. f he vertical roller mill, model LiM 50.42 with a capacity of 400 tph on a dry basis, is used for the raw mill. Adopting the MEC system rema r kab ly reduced the powe r consumption ofthe ra'vv mill system by approximately 30%, compared with the conventional vertical raw mi ll. The plant was officially inaugurated on 13 November 2000 for commercial operation wit h a capacity of6000 tpd approximately. ( 'owte.1y: I Vorld ( 'ement Sep. 2002. Pp 113 - 119, Emtuily no. 31, Fox: +.J.J(O) 1252-718992 E-mail : IIJOifra, ll'Orldcement. com URL: 11'11'11'. worldcement. com INCREASED PRODUCTION: DECREASED COSTS M Mersmann and G. Jager. KHD 1/umhn/dt ll'edag. Germany. Large capacity equipment is not being installed apart from in a few rising markets. 1 nstead, th e producers feel either a strong need for a slight production increase or a reduction of production costs. effi ciency increase ranging from 5 to I 0% without larger investment. Thi s arti c le presen ts cost op t imised measu res of both rewrofitting and operat ion optimi sed approach. When production increase is the so le moti vation, the c lass ic revampin g approach requires identification of the problem piece of equipment or the department, which ac tuall y r estricts the performance of th e plant. A s numerous projects have already been carried out success fully by this approach, many plants today cannot identify any more s ingle bottleneck s in their equipment. Many equ ipment modifi cation projects an:: carried out to utili se seco ndary fuel s. thu s cutting production costs by employing low cost fuel. The prod uction of cement today has become such a complex process that optimal results c:1n no longe r be achieved without automation systems. whatever complexity they may have. In practical eve ryd ay operat ion however, large safety factors are often applied to achieve the desired trouble-free ope ration. Unfortunately, thi s contrad i cts economic and environmental objectives. KHD provides the full spectrum of automat ion systems for the cement industry. The process control system PRODLJX '"– PL US, th e trai ning simulator S l MLJLEX~ and the whole scope of expert systems, such as PYROEXPERT"», MI LLEXPER'f®, SCAN EX~<> and ROMIX'\11 (known from KIID as XPE,RT family) have been deve l oped to provide opti mum benefit fo r cement producers. They arc designed to be integrated into any surrounding, regardl ess of type and supplier of PLC. M CC and other applied tec hnology. By ihe implementat ion of an XPERT system, an optimised state 47 of operation cnn not only be kept. but it wi ll even improve th e operat ion continuously by it se l f. Latest optimi sation technologies such as fuzzy logic. neural net\\ orks and evo luti onary algorithms have been applied in XPERT to achieve: Higher production Lower energy costs (fuel and electrical power) Lower demand in manpower Stable product quality The A ssociation o f German Cement Manufacturers (VDZ) has used SlMLJLEXx for many years at its training courses for plnnt operators and foremen . In order to always implement the latest process knowhow, VDZ and K HD committed th emselves to j ointl y and conti nuously deve lop SIMLJLEXl<l6 When it comes to effi c iency increase projects, the impl ementation o f automation systems should nor be seen as concurring method to the moderni sation of machinery and equipment. While equipment modification provides the potential lo r efficient production. automat ion systems make full use of it. Courtesy: JV orld Ceml'l7t Sep. 2002. Pp 85- 88. t"nquily no. 25. Fax: +.J.f(O) 1252--18992 E-mail : mai/ (aiworldcement.com URL: 11'11'11'. worldcement.com KEY PARAMETERS FOR SIZING OF AN AC DRIVE (INVERTER) FOR THE CEMENT INDUSTRY Chirag R. Shah Larsen Tnuhro Ltd. Control and Automation Business Unit. 7TC Electronic Zone, Navi J\1umhoi .j(}{) 701 AC drives have gained huge popu l arity in Ind i an cement industry largely due to th eir reliabil ity and qu ick pay-back if rig,htl y applied.
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