CEE Oct-Dec 2002

in advisabili ty of immed iate alignment o f Indian Standards with E without going into the merits and demerits at such a venture. The Managing Committee advised that the CMA Technical Committee should prepare a white paper on the subject of alignment. The fifth meeting of the panel for alignment of Indian Standards on cement with Europe an Standards CED 2: I/PI was held on 6"h March 2002 at BIS, Bangalore and the extracts of the minutes of the meeting from BI S elated 27 1 h July 2002 are given below: Item 0 Opening Remarks by the Convener 0. I The Convener. Shri D.B.N. Rao extended a warm welcome to all the members to the Pifth Meeting of the Panel for Alignment ofl ndian Standards of Cement with European Standards. He extended spec ial we lcome to Dr N. Raghavendra, INSTRUCT and Shri K. Sumanth Babu, TAMIN. Shri Rno apprec iated the work being done systematically fo r alignment of Cement Stand ards with European Stanuards and hoped that the work would be completed as early as possible in spite of a large number of Standards pertaining to Cement Spec iti cations, Methods of Test, Methods ofSampling Cement and Pozzolanic Material s, Testi ng Squipment, Standard sand, Raw Material Speci fi eations, etc. 3.1 .1 With rega rd to th e draft revi sion of IS 4032 on chemical testing of cement and IS 4031 on physical testing of cement. it was noted that draft revision of IS 4032 and IS 403 I (Part 8) had a lready bee n c ircula ted to membe rs as mentioned in the Agenda, and work on other pnrts were in progress. The Pnnel apprec iated the input provided by the experts of NCB as al so by the BIS Secretnriat in minutely examining the provisions and intelligently deciding on the alignment need. to best suit the interest of our country. The Panel also requested Shri Subra to Choll'dhury, L& T to expedite his comments/drafts for re vision oftest methods as agreed by him in earlier meetings. The Panel considered the foll owing draft standards circulated by the BIS Sec re tariat to th e members: I) Draft Indian Standard Method o f Chemical Analys is of Hydraulic Cement (Second Revision of IS 4032). - 13ased on EN 196-2 2) Draft Indi an Standard Methods for Determination or Chloride, Carbon Dioxide and Alkali Content of ll ydraul ic Cement - Based on EN 196-21 3) Dra ft Indian Standard Methods of Pozzolanicity Test for Pozzolanic Cements; - Based on EN 196-5 4) Draft Indian Standard Methods of Physical Tests for l lyd rauli c Cement: Parr 8 Determination ofCompress ive and Flexural Strength or Plastic \!tartar Usi ng Prismatic Specimen [Second Rev ision or IS 403 1(Part 8)];- Based on EN 196- 1 It was noted that vvhereas no comments had been received on the drafts at Sl No. ( I) to (3) above on chemical testing of cement, certai n comments rece ived on the draft revision of IS 4031 (Part 8). given in the Agenda , were duly considered. While discussing the above three dra ft standards on chcmica ltestingofccment, the BIS Secre tari at ex pl a ined the methodology adopted in making the draft revision most comprehensive, by while reflecting all the methods co ntained in European Standard 40 (EN I% series) with clue ed iting. also retai ning the bnsic grn,·imetric/ \ olumetric methods in vogue in India . suitably. It was men tioned that while circulatin g the above draft. the 131S Secreta riat had provided through its forwarding letter to these dra fts the complete background detai ls for revision of the prov isions of' th e Indi an Standards concerned. The Panel agreed to the methodology adopted in th e rev is ion process and approved the three drafts tor Wide: C 'irculution. With reg.ard to the Drnft Indian Standard Methods of Physical Tests fo r II y cl rau lic C em c nt: Part 8 Determination of Compressive and Fie.\ ural Strength o f Plastic Mortar Usi ng Prismati c Specimen I Second Revision of IS 403 1 (Part 8)]. the Panel considered the same along with the comments. The Panel ag reed to retain the fig ure or demoulding appara tus shO\\ n in ex isting IS 403 1 ( Part 8): 1988 (c lause 4.7) not given in the EN Standard but provided in the Indian tandaru as the same was found useful. A!so. the Panel agreed to the comm ent s fo r change or conditioning tempe rature to :!7±2°C. With these. the P~me l also ap proved thi s draft for ll'ide ( 'in.:ulation. !laving approved the above four draft standards for wide circul ation. the Pan el fe lt th a t in vie\\ of importance of the subj ects involved and the extensive work bei ng done by NCB in thi s field , BI S if so requ ired, should make any ot her modification s needed 1n consultation with NCB, also while deal ing wi th any comme nt s rece ived by 131S, inc ludin g on related Standards. In th is context, the important issue of adopt ion of temperature/humidit y condi tioning as given in European standards was di scussed. After deta i led J J