CEE Oct-Dec 2002

• CONTENTS SAVTNG ELECTRICAL ENF:RGY IN CEMENT PLANTS Rainish S ing/a. Indo Ramu ( 'emenl Ltd Mumlwi • ROADS AND RURAL DI~VELOPMENT PRO.JECTS TO BOOST CEMENT DEMAND 12 • • • • • CEMF:NT PLANTS SET VOLUNTARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION BENCHMARKS FULLER ENERGY AWARDS - 2002 PRESENTED VDZ CONGRESS 2002 - A CONFERENCE WITH A DIFFERENCE AUCBM'S 12 111 INTERNATIONAL CEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, MARRAKESH, MOROCCO, 2-t-27 OCTOBER 2002 or~C RASED COGENERATION AT LENGFURT CEMENT PLANT, GERMANY - CMA'S STUDY TOUR 14 18 I") e TECHNOLOGY TREND AND INNOVATION • MANAGED CARE. NOT REPAIR {RePieli'S the different appmaches to maintenance prngralllllles in the cement il/{/1/siJ:r/ • Ileal Resistant Stee ls {Oeuls H'ilh steel 11\'ed 111 lm1•ers. kilns ond wolers/ • I million T Ciinker: No Prob lem!/ Rejleclonlheoperating cxperiencl!s o/( 'emcn fo Melon·.,. unictlfe dinkl!r and c.:eme111 impol'l terminal/ • /\ Faster Sack Lin~ • Slag Grind ing: l.atl:sl Ad' anc~s f.Jn m·,·n·n·lr of !he cutllfJWI_I' ·s aushasfor grt/l(ling gghs / • COI\VEYl G ·1ECII 1 OLOGY /OIItlinC's the differentt)'fJI!'i o/conl•eyor.\ 27 Website u11d the1r uses} 28 • W I IERE'S TilE BI-.EF'? fl-onJcnt.\ m·er lack r~f'innovaliolls i11 cemellttedmologl'/ 29 • ON-GOING INNOVATI01 fNoll-contuct tcm1Jerature measurement solutions} 29 • MA 1'1 l EMAT ICAL MODI ~ LS FOR 1'1 IE CEMENT Cl ,INKER BURNING PROCESS 30 • TF:CHNOLOGY UPGRADATION Process & Operation • A~ A ID TO GRIN DING fl 'erformwlce Enhancers} • AN A ID TO PRODUCTION/ /Jiscus.1es flo1 1' air cmiiiOIIs are wide~J·used ill the cellll!l71 indusfiJ'} • A Shore Success {Access to H'urldw"le markets including the Gu(f .lfncu and e1·en Europe] 31 31 c:> Website • IN- I lOUSE \11001 FICA 1'1 0 S ( Adi'Witages ofmodif.i·illg equipme11t i11-housej • Bll RN lNG THE. M IX ('/htnsjimni11g rail' molerials into clinke''} • Pneumatic Refractory Projec tion /An innul•a!il•e ter.:hmque in 1he upp/ic.:olion nj rcfrm'IOIJ' COI/C{'('/r!.l) • Condition Monitoring {Tdentnlllfortll!!, u11d teli!dwgnosis creole uptinltlm clwnces 10 offer condition n:luted servicing] 3 } We/>sUe ..,., _, _