CEE Oct-Dec 2002

) winning presentation at the IEEE/ PCA Meeting in Florida, discusses clinker formation. its relation to ki ln feed properties, and the importance of optimising burnabil ity by carefu l mix control, good mix homogeneity, and tailoring the burning process to the raw mix. The burnability and kiln feed are discussed in relation to specific fuel consumption. Emphasis is placed on the effects of changes in raw material burnabili ty and clinker formation on kiln operations, finish mill productivity, and the propet1ies of the resulting cement. When the quarry and the raw materials ava ilab le make it hard to achieve burnabi li ly goa ls, the judicious use or nuxes and /or mineralisers may be a prudent measure. Fluxes and rnineraliscrs promote clinker phase formation to occur earlier thereby improving the efficiency o f pyrop roce ssing system. An experimental study demonstrated quicker al ite formation in the presence of 0.25 per cent tluoride. ( 'ourle.\y: lnternutiona/ Cement Rcl'!ew. Sep. 2002, f'p79-8{ E-mail: inforc~('emNet .co.uk Web: Cell/Net. co. uk SMOOTH RUNNING .!can-Maurice Marque, Standard lnc/ustrie, France Build-ups are one of the principal obstacles to the smooth running of a cement plant. Cement producers do everything they can to avoid their formation: Regular con trol of the chemica l composi ti on and particulate size. Fue ls that are re gula ted according to their sulphur. chlonde and other vo lati le materials contents. Excellent combustion due to a burner pipe that is speci all y designed, we ll insta ll ed. correcte ly regulated, and does not contain CO or an oxidising agent. Running the ki In without over– burning. A layout to suit the equipment. AIRCHOC 49 prevents these problems from occurring. Fitted in areas where buildups occur. each A IRCHOC1il is fi reQ automatically and precise ly in a programmable sequence. Fitted w ith sui table nozzles, it considerably reduces the number of stoppage s that are needed for cleaning. The first method consists of taki ng photographs when the plant is co ld during a shutdown. The disadvantage is that some buil d-ups can disintegrate at low temperature. The second method is to measure the temperature on the outside wa ll s with an opti ca l pyrometer. The orientation of the connecting pipes is fundamental to avoid damaging the r efractory brickwork espec ially in the kiln inlet and the coo l er plates. In addition, the connecting pipes must a lways be fitted in the same direction as the material flow. The general arrangement of the banks of A IRC I-IOC® on the different levels of the preheater tower is essential to ensure the efficiency of the dec logging process. T he A IRCHOCo<>s are insta lled facing each ot her on one level, wi th an alte rnating ali gnment at each subsequent level. The best results have been achieved by customers who -have opted for a total dec logging solution. By installing a production lineof l OO to 150AIRCHOC3i:s,and by fo ll ow ing the company's recommendations as to where they shoufd be installed, the orientati on of the connect ing pipework and the firing sequence, their performance can be optimised. To achieve this result, the plant must detine a coherent strategy. taki ng account of: Policy on combustibles 33 Efficiency and kiln performance targets Clinker quality targets Personnel safety targets Environmental targets Getting the logistics right A separate compressed atr system supplyi ng dry lubricated air at a pressure of I 0 bars shou ld be the optimum solution. The firing sequence must be able to be easily altered. The company recommend the automatic operation of the A IRCHOC"" by means of control boxes that can be simply programmed by any Opl!rator. Each A I RC IIOC ' should be considered as a production tool, and th is main tenance can be carried out as a con tract between the cement producer and Standard lndustrie. The equipment produces less than 70 dB at 3-m range. Safety is every plant manager' s priority, working on the outside or inside the equipment. All personnel must be equipped with the necessary protection and be trained to respect the con trol procedures. The company claim that the AIRCIIOC"' total solution stops bu i ld- ups. Therefore, the plant increases its capacity to bu r n alternative (cheaper) fuels, reduce its operating cost, improve the efficiency and performance of its kiln, raise the quality of its clinker and ensure the safety of i ts employees. Courtesy: World Cemenl Sep.2002.Pp/2C) 131. Enquiry no. 33. Fax: .t...j.J(O) f]j:'.- 718992 E-mail : mai/rf!_,\1'0rldc:eme111. c:om URL: 11'\11\V. worldc:emenl.com DALMIA CEMENT UPGRADES TO 3000 TPD The Da lmia cement plant was originally built in 1939 \\ith a clinker production capacity of 250 tpcl, using a Lepol k il n that was later supplemented by a 500-tpd, we t– process I ine. The plant was