CEE Oct-Dec 2002

..J -1 - elcv(]tors m·e avail able. The largest have centre-distances of more than 140 m and volume fl ows of 1800 m \/h. lkl t bucket elevators and chain buc ket elevators are both econom ical and rel iable due to the low energy consump ti on of mechan ical conveyors. The conveyors prov ide low operation costs. a high reliabil ity and a long :=;ervice li le. ! lot materia ls, such as cement cl inker that has been di scharged from the k i i 11 coo ler w ith temperatures up to 500 °C. subject conveyors to e:-.:treme conditions. The company ' s apro n conveyo rs can me\.!1 demands w ith conveyor '' idrhs from -100 t o 2000 mm . centre-distances o f' 250 m or more and capacities of 10-W mlfh. Cowtc.\y · World Ce1nenl Sl'f7. J()f)2, Pp 99- I 00 Enquiry no. 27, Fux: +-!-!(()) 1252-718992 E-111oil : IJiailrwworldcement. com URL: ll'\1'11'. wor/dce/1 /cnl.com WHERE'S THE BEEF? Dr. Michael Clark The <ipening add ress at last month's Cemtech Athens initiated the topic for this month's Technical forum. When keynote speak er, Dim i tri Papalexopoul os, G ro up CEO o f Titan Cement. commented on the lack ofmaj or advances in the cement industry over the last I 00 years. a few eyebrows were raised considering the li st of technical i nnovations in rece nt t imes. l lowcvcr. Dr. Clark looks at the case Cor and agai nst th is c hall enge, hig,h l ight i n~ some poss ible areas for development. We have seen in c rement al improvements th ro ugho ut th e cement man u l~tctu r ing process. A utomation has kept pace w ith al l t hese deve l opment s and computer-based expe1t systems are now routinel y used to control and optimise the process. Bespoke cements tai lored to spec ifi c appl i cat i ons ar e increasi ngly the future trend of the cement manufacturing industry. Perhaps the industry is stuck in a time warp. and remains reliant on the rotary kiln. How might this reliance be reduced? Well there is ongo ing r esear ch into the production o f cement c linker in tluidised beds. What about co-production w i th ot her industri es? Inj ecti on of limestone int o coal-tired thermal powe r stat io n bo il ers, and collecti on or the resultant cement clinker i n the bag fi lters of the power station? I n theory th is should work - but where would that leave Titan? Or for t hat matter Lafarge, Holc im, CEMEX etc? Courtes)' : International Cemenl Re1·iew. Oct. 2002 P6-l, E-mail: inj'orrij.CemNet co.uk Weh site: CemNet. co. uk ON-GOING INNOVATION Dr. M athias 0. Mos ig, Raytek Gn '-!H, Germany A new generation of affordable syst em pac k ages f or kiln she ll temperature monitoring. based on the optim ised Raytek 00 MP50 line scanner infrared ( !R) non-contac t measurement, has been introduced in recent yea rs by the company, providing a real-time thermal image o r the surface temperature o r the kiln shell. The Raytek"' CS I 00™ is a comprehensi ve temperatu re meas urement sys tem d es i gned spcci fically to monitor, control, and analyse rotating k il n shells used in cement and lime production. T he system is already insta ll ed in over I 00 l ocati ons wo rl dw ide. An 29 internati onal language interrace allows the so ftware to operate in every language and also combines an en viro nment all y pr ot ected infrared line scanner and so lhvare pr ogramme f or comprehensive. rea l-time temperature analysis . Compared t o th ermocouples and RTDs, th e company · s I R thermomete rs have an extremel y t'as t r espo nse t i mc ( w i t h i n mi lliseconds) and can be used from an op ti mal di st ance w i t h hi gh accuracy. Measuring at a distance fr om the ta rget means th at the senso r can be located in a more acceptabl e env ironment w i tho ut bei ng compromi sed by hea t. vibrati ons, and optical interferences suc h as dust and smoke. thus extendi ng the life of the instrument and protecting a plant 's investment in such equi pment. T he hea1 of the system is the Raytek MP50 li ne scanner w ith a minimum tim e bef o re fa ilure of 40000h. The line scanner is housed in a protecti ve enclosure w ith air purge to keep the w indow free or dust and condensation. A n internal scanner heater for co ld wea ther cond itions and water cool ing for hot we ath er and industri al env ironments are also included . Us ing a highly sensi ti ve quan tum detector w ith an optical reso luti on or 300: I , th e hi gh reso l ut i on scanner collects infrared rad iati on f rom I 024 po ints. whi ch arc pre– processed into 256 po ints within a 90° lielcl o r v iev1. The automatic peak pi cker takes the ma x imum value of every four optical spots in order to process them into sing le pi xels, ass uring the recogni tion of eve ry sing le hot spot. A fast scanning speed o r 36 ivi l iz provides a high reso lution. and the unique inter nal b l ac k body sys t em reca librates the senso r on ever y