CEE Oct-Dec 2002

.... - ("' ~ A ~ ... Of the three known and industrialised technologies for waste-heat based cogeneration, the Kawasaki technology (Japan) and the organic Kalina-cycle based technology promoted by Exergy Inc (USA) are in operation and are better known. The third one based on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and instal led by Ormat Industries, Israel , at the Lengfurt plant of Heidelberg Cements is less known. Shri A V Srinivasan, Secretary General, CMA and Dr. S P Ghosh, Adviser (Technical), on their way back from the 12' 11 Inte rnational Cement Conference and Exhibition at Marrakesh during 24-27 October 2002, visited the Lengfurt plant on 28'h October at the invitation and hospitality accorded by Heidelberger Zement AG and studied the cogeneration system in operation there. The Lengfurt plant, situated 180-200 km from both Frankfurt and Heidelberg cities is located on the bank of the river Mein. The plant is I02 years o ld and undergone a chain of technology upgradation and modernisation during its life span. At present, the plant has an annua l installed capacity of 1.3 million tonnes wi th a 4-stage twin-stream preheater and chloride bypass, and a 3-stage grate cooler. It uses the conventional 2- compartment 200-tph ball mill for raw grinding in conjunction with a Polysius pregrinder and one static and 4 dynamic separators. The 5.2 x 78 m Polysius ki ln with Claudius Peters grate cooler operates at 3150 tpd on an average and uses a fue l– mix of coal, cut tyres and petcoke (60 per cent waste derived fuel ). The thermal energy consumed by the kiln is 750 kcal/kg of clinker. I "·:~;n·"' ! I:l= t ~ ~ Ciini;;;;;,IJ""" ~- : """" l I l N ~ ~•v. ~-~"""'pcin- ~ CUNt 1!100110fing G HIT powlf gtntrtU-1 +10221KW ll.41iM ~ 1.1(1041" r 17 ·c uj tm"~ ~fiO'irA~ jUU kW ~· ~· · ·~· -·~·-·-~-·~·~~- · -· • ~tr•tlon ct••mw \kt I\Hd111J """ !• jlT~ti ii>.X1·2Q• ...w.•o~ !e ~'C o"'"""" ' Owro."""'~~' • • ~ ()l'oniOntplll!l~ .-----..,,-----..------...----........------, I I JY'If!ll 1111§11! I~ .• ,,._, _'".,. •• -·==· =·=·- [~ -~...!' . ....VJ["A'""j [I][IJ!fj~ (:l] Figure I Flow sheet ofthe operating ORC cogeneration plant at Heidelberger 's Lengfitrt Plant, Germany 25