CEE Oct-Dec 2002

AUCBM'S 12 1 " INTERNATIONAL CEMENT CONFERENCE AND I EXHIBITION, MARRAKESfl, MOROCCO, 24-27 OCTOBER 2002 I he t\ rab Union for Cement <.~nd 11u ilding :Vla t erials (t\UCBM) organ ised its 12' 11 I nterniltional Cement Con ference and E-.:h ibiti on at MaiTilkesh. Morocco. during 2~- 27 October :2002. The t\ UCBM is a front organizati on for cement indu~trics in the 15 Midd le-East coun trie ~. namcl). A lgeria. Arab F1nimtes. C) pru~. J:.g; pl. Jordan. J<u\\ait. Maurit ani a, Morocco. Oman. Qatar. Saudi Arabia. Syri a. lunisia. T urke) and Yemen. The events formed part or the L:nion's regular progrilmmc or biannual International Seminars ilt different ven ues among th e membe r countries. A round 370 delegates allendcd the Semi nar from the member ,\rab countr ies bes ides major cement mach ine r y and equ i pment manufacturers and <>u pplicr" lrnm various countries - ;\u<;tria. lklgium. l3 razil.lJcnmark. I· inland. hance. German) . lloll:mcl. India. I t al;.. Lebanon, Spain. S" eden. S\\ i tzcrland. US/\ and l 1 K. The Seminar comp ri sed I 0 sessions spread over three clays and a morn ing Sess ion on the fourth clay. The themes covered were: :1) I e \\' technological development s in the field or cement b) Envi ronmental issues c) Case studies d) ()uillity assurance and qual ity con trol c ) Laboratory illltomation t) New cements g) Moder n proc~ss control techniques An attractive Exhibition \\'i th 85 com pani es from the m~ntioned countri es participating \\•as an adjunct to the Scm inar. 1\ mong them. mention ma~ be made of A 1-313 S11 itzerlancl, 8111\ Group. Exxon Mobile, F.L Smidth US/\. I lave r & 13oecker. 1-Jazcmag Gmbll, ltalcement Group. Kawasaki I Ieavy I ndust ries . Mago t tcaux L td, Magnesita Sl\. Lafarge Group. Polysi us AG. Refratechnik Gmbll. ll'nrlcl Ccmem. Zf....'(J !ntcmutwJw!. The Exhibit ion crea ted consi derable interest anwng both the e.\hibitors and the partili pants. and major exchange of in lo nnation on rlam and machinery including business transactions too~ place during the f our clays. -1he Seminar and Exhibition wa inaugurated on :24'" October 200:2 by li E Prince Su ltan Ben 24 ~ 1ohammed Ben Saud A L-J,t\ 131 R. Minista or lndustr;. ComnH.:n:e. Energ_\ and 1\linerals in Morocco. '' ho is al so th e Pre sident or ALJCHM. T he 1\LJCBM ha d invited Crvll\ to participate in the Sem i nar as honoured delegates. Shri 1\.V. Srini\'i1S<ln . Sccrctar; General. CMA co-chaired the :'th Session on 25' ' October. Cl\ lr\ also presented <1 paper on " Improvement or Procl ucli\ ity and Rl' '-oOtl rCC Utilisat ion Including. l :ncrg_:, and [nvironment Per formance through Benchmarking and Rating I he Indi an Example" in the R'" Session on 26' 1 ' October. l'he paper evoked con-;ickrablc interest among the participan ts and t h r ee ce111ent comp:1nies in the li ddlc - 1 as t volunteered to take pan in C\ 11\ ·s ongo ing benchmarking C\e rci se. A nother pa11cr was presented in the same Session by Shr i A. l, . .lain. lirasi m Industries. on til e topic "Bri ef I ntroduction of Emcrs ' ng (\:mentitious Materials". I he organi se r s provided r et're..,hi ng. evening events lor the delegate~. through \\e l l-organ ised cult ura l fu nction::-. in the old and out-of-city historical places or interest.