CEE Oct-Dec 2002

S.:\o :\amc or Unit Category A Category B Clinker Base Cement Base Electrical energy Thermal enerov ;:,. Electrical energy kWh tonne kcal,kg kWh ·tonne ()() OJ 00-02 00 OJ 01-02 1 ')· 1 2 With VRM 11/t/1 VRM I. Cirasim Cement 67.71 65.06 708.63 702.03 8-L55 80.98 , Jaypee Bela 61.80 61.60 663.00 658 .00 93.60 93.40 Ceme11t ~ .laypec Rewa 80.40 76.71 731.00 736.00 107.50 I03.:?-1 -'· Cement - 1 4. Jaypee Rewa 67.40 66.61 684.00 665.00 95 .53 95.08 Cement - 2 5. L & T Cement 6 1. 19 60. 12 720.00 718.00 90.46 87.66 t IIi rmi) 6. Lafarge 64.85 60.37 733. 19 721.05 97.17 90.70 (Sonadih) 7. !VIaihar Cement 56.39 54.23 840.00 875.00 78.48 76.54 - I 8. Maihar Cement 51.04 49.5 1 7 15.00 708.00 75.39 74.32 - I 9. Prism Cement 59.12 57.99 666.00 686.00 89.75 85 .89 10 . Satna Ceme nt 67.76 65.38 692.00 678.00 99.97 97.83 II . Yikram Cement 60.81 65. 14 736.00 73 1.00 91.12 9-1.22 -I 12. Vi ham Cement 63.05 63.27 736.00 728.00 90 .86 C) 1.90 -2 13. Yikram Cement 64. 11 67. 10 716.00 701.00 92.96 95.9 1 ~ - .) Ta ble 2 State-wise energy consumption data for the cement plants in C hhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh for 20(}1-2002 G.-oup I: C hhattisgarh S.No Name of Category A Ca tegory B Unit Clinker Base Cem ent IIase Electrical energy. k.Wh ft Thermal energy, kcal/kg Electrical energy. kWh/ t 00-01 01-02 % Redn 00-01 0 1-02 % 00-01 01-02 00 Redn Redn I 2 1&2 I 2 1&2 1 2 1&2 I. ACC- 82.47 8 1.69 0.95 847.00 845.00 0.24 100.7 1 9-1. 5.86 Jamul 81 .., Century 74.60 72.29 3.10 805.00 805.00 0.00 99.39 94.88 -1.5-1 Cement 3. Gras im 67.7 1 65.06 3.9 1 708.63 702.03 0.93 84 .55 80.98 4.22 Cemen t -1. L&T 6 1.1 9 60. 12 1.75 720.00 7 18.00 0.28 90.46 87.66 3.10 Cement 5. l.a farge 64 .R5 60.37 6.91 733. 19 72 1.05 1.66 97. 17 90.70 6.66 Sonad ill 20 • ..