CEE Oct-Dec 2002

J' Categ.or~ I Lowest Electrical cncrg~ consumption. k\Nh/tonne of clinker produced (i n Uni ts without \ertical roller mill ) f irst Prize Second Prile Diamond Cement Unit - ll Diamond Cement Unit- I Catcg.or~ II Lo,\est f: lectrical energy consumption. kWh/tonne of clinker produced (in l lnits with VRM) First Prize Second PriLe Maihar Cement Unit - II Maihar Cement Un it - I Category Ill Lo\\'cst Thermal energy consumption. kca l/kg, of clinker produced in 2000- 200 I Fi rst Pri7c Jaypcc Bela Plant Second Prize Jaypcc Bela Plant - II ( atl..!gon IV I ow est Electrical energ) consumption, kWh/tonne of cement produced (in Units \\ ithout VRM) first Pnze Second Prize ACC Kymorc Cement Works Units- II -ACC Kymore Cement Works Unit- I Catl.'gnry V Lm\cst Electrical energy con, umption, kWh/tonne of cement produced (in Units ''ith VRI\1) first Pri7e Maihar Cement Unit- II Second PriLe Maihar Cement Unit - I ·1 he l:nergy consumption data of the 20 p:.~rtic ipating cement plants in both the States are summarised in rabies I and 2. 'I hesc were duly analysed hy the Jury for the Awards which was chaired by Dr. M. Choubey. Pri ncipal Government Eng ineering Colkge. Jabal pur. Tahle I Energy consumption data of the cement plants in Chhattis~arh and Madhya Pradesh for 2001 - 2002 S.No Name or Unit Category A Category B ClinA·er Base Cement Base Electrical Energy Thermal Energy Electrical Energy k\Vh ltonnc kcallkg kWh/tonne ()() - 01 00 - 02 00-01 01-02 00-01 () 1-02 I 2 I 2 I , Without VRM Without VRM I . 1\CC-Kymore 60.55 77.96 672.00 670.00 90.1 <) 91.37 Unit I ..., 1\CC- Kynture 67.07 70 . 10 670.00 670.00 90.19 90.41 Unit - 2 ~ -'. ACC- Jamul 82.47 81.69 847.00 845.00 100.71 94.8 1 4 Birla Yikas 76.28 73.63 745 .00 749.00 105.27 98.95 Cement 5. Century Cement 74.60 72.29 805.00 805 .00 99 .39 94.28 6. Diamond 71.32 67.34 770.80 752.10 98.58 9 1.61 Cement - I 7. Diamond 70.5 1 66.22 775.90 750.60 102.79 94.5 1 Cement - 2 19