CEE Oct-Dec 2002

Vol1, No.1 Oct - Dec 2002 CEMENT, ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT Editorial Board A. V. Srinivisan S. J. Raina Dr. S. P. Ghosh G. Ramaseshan P. T. Nanjappa P. K. Bhatnagar Executive Advisory Board M. L. Narula - Chairman V.J. Anantharaman K. M. Kavadia J.P. Desai P.K. Goenka A.K. Ja in Kamal Kumar Dr. K.C. Narang B.V. Ramanayya Dr. S.N. Yadav T/1(' dais at lilt• 41::;1 A111runl Session of' CMA. Htm'l•k Ullltlll M111ister fm rum/ Di'i~·lopmerzt, :,1m :,/ltmfn f..umnr (centre) flanked l•y (left) Mu1. Ge11 8. C. Klza11duri, Mi11istcr nf Slate f/!ldt•pclldCI!I Clwrgcl, M111rslr.tl 11[ Road Trn11~por• a11d Highways, and (nghtJ 5/m 5. Jagadet'>flll, /1. Sfry, ilzdustnnl PoliCJ{ a11d l'romotio11 , Ministni of Commerce a11;i ltzdusrry. At extreme left zs Sllri B. L. ]ni11, Vice Presideut CMA and extreme right Slzri A. L Kapur, Past President, CMI\. (sec pascs 12-13 far detailed report) MESSAGE Dear Readers, Over recent years, there is a perceptible paradigm shift in the global approach to pollution control and environmental protection. Abatement o f pollution control has been considered for decades as the primary responsibility on any industrial activity. Lately, the concept has further broadened with the added responsibility to the indust ry for its expected contribution to env ironmental protection. The imperative of environmental protection has today crossed the boundaries of individual countries/states and assumed a global dimension thanks to the stark reality of g lobal warming staring the whole human habitat on its face. Originating in this background, t he UN framework Convent i on on Climate Change, constituted as a corollary to the Kyoto Protocol in 1992 and fine-tuned through 8 successive meetings of the Conference of Parties (COP) during the last 10 years at different capitals of the globe, aims primarily at a sustainable development. A major component of this sustainable development Is reduction of Green House Gases (GHG) emission which is held primarily responsible for the global dimate change in the last two centuries and its backJash on habitat and the biosphere- prolonged drought, floods and their inevitable impact on human health and living conditions. As a response to this, the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCF.c\cJ chare - an agend? under vvpi~Lh all developed cou tries ere o bring down thei~GHG emissio s by 2010 to t1ell :)]f tlk;r ~ sp"edlve emi<s!b~~ l;o 1t6tlo. I This major