CEE Oct-Dec 2002

, I FULLER ENERGY ~WARDS - 2002 PRESENTED The 5' 11 Fu ller Energy Awards for the best performing cement plants in the States of Chhatti sgarh and Madhya Pradesh were presented at 13hopal on 14 th September 2002. The Hon'b le Ch ief Mi ni ster of Madh ya Pradesh Shri Di gv ijay Singh gave away the Awa rds at a glittering ceremony which rounded off th e 5' 11 Seminar on Ene rgy Conse rvatio n and Effic iency in Cement Industry. Insti tuted by M/s Fu ller India Ltd. Chennai, a leading multinat ional in the field of cement machinery and part of the bigger Fuller Smidth Group, the Award consists of a silver plaque and a certificate ofmerit. The Awards are aimed at promoting competitive excellence in energy saving among the cement plants in the region. State Level Awar·ds I I Shri /Jigvijay Singh, lion 'b/e ChiefMinister ofM.P. giving mmy the First Pri=e .fi>r l..o•re.\'1 1:'/ectrico/ E11ergy C'oiiS/1111ptiull tu Shri /J. P. Jain, Executive l'residem (I>) o{Maihnr Cement. Applauding (Centre) is Shri Knma/1\ishore, President, Ml' Cement J\!wwfiJcturers As.\'Ociatiutl. The Full er Energy Awards of this year were organized at two levels, the individual State level for Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and at the Regional le vel taking both the States together. Under live categories, a tota l of22 pri zes we re awarded .. Fo ll owing a re the win ne rs und e r the d iffe rent categories: Cltfwttisgarh Category I Maximum percentage red uction in Electrical energy consumption, kWh I tonne of clinker produced in 2000 -200 I Category II Category I II Fi rst Prize Lafarge India Ltd, Sonadih Second Pri ze Grasirn Cement Maximum percentage red uction in Thermal energy consumption in kcal/kg ofclinker produced in 2000 - 200 I First Prize Second Prize Lafarge India Ltd, Sonadih Grasi m Cement Maximum percentage reduction in Electrical ene rgy consumption, kWh/ tonne of cement prod uced in :woo - 200 I Fi rst Prize Second Prize Lafarge India Ltd, Sonadih ACC Jamul Cement Works Madhya Pradesh Category I Maximum percentage reduction in Electrical energy consumption, kWh/ tonne of clinker prod uced in 2000 - 200 1 Category II Category Ill First Prize Second Prize Diamond Ceme nt Unit - II Diamond Cement Uni t- I Maximum percentage reduction in Thermal energy consumption in kcal/kg ofclinker produced in 2000 - 200 I l' irst Prize Second Pri ze Diamond Cement Unit - II .layree Rewa Pbnt Un it - 11 Maximum percentage reduction in Elec trica l energy con ~u mption, kWh/tonne o r cement produced in 2000 - 200 I First Prize Second Prize Diamond Cement Unit - II Diamond Cement Un it - I 18 ,. \ '{