CEE Oct-Dec 2002

I I . CEMENT PLANTS SET VOLUNTARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION BENCHMARKS At the One-day Cement-Sector Task Force Programme, conducted by th e Bureau of Energy Effi ciency (BEE) at the cement plant of M/s Shree Cement Ltd, Beawar, Rjasthan, on 22 September 2002, 2.5 cement plants across the country set t~1eir time-table fo r progressive ly lowering their energy consumption level s over three yea rs sta rtin g 2002 . Accordingly, they set their provisional targets for thermal and electrical energy consumpti on for 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05. The annu a l ta rge.ts so declared are tabulated plant-wise and unit··wise herein below. The Programme. organised by Shree Ceme nt and BEE, was at tended by the Director General and Energy Economists li·om BEE, Energy Experts from Indo-German Collaboration Project. Shri Shash i Sekha r, Dire cto r Gene ral 3EE. deli vered the Keynote Address on 'Energy Conservation' and t.::MA made a presentation on ·Energy Conservat ion and Efficiency Performance of Cement Industry'. The deliberations covered items or energy efficiency, initiatives taken by the participan t companies and also presentations by suppliers of energy efficient equipmen t like motors. drives. measuring devices. More than I 00 representatives rrom Indian cement industry includ ing six from the host plant participated in the programme. Table 1 Voluntary energy consumption targets from 2002 to 20HS stated hy plant representatives Plant Year Thermal Uectrica l energy Remark energy. kWh/tonne kcal/kg cement clinker (i) ACC Kymore Present 702 89 .3 2002-2003 695 88.0 2003 -2004 688 86 .6 2004-2005 681 85.2 ( ii) /\CC. Wad i Present 709 73.0 2002 -2003 700 72.0 2003-2004 69.5 71 .2 2004-2005 690 70.4 L-- . (iii) Ambuja Present 720 88.9 Cemen t. Rajast han 2002-2003 720 88.8 2003-2004 710 85.0 2004-2005 700 80.0 (iv) Anclhra Present 810 102 Basis OPC 53 Cements 2002-2003 800 100 2003-2004 750 90 2004-2005 - - (v) ACC, Lakheri Present 720 92.0 2002-2003 718 90.6 2003-2004 7 18 89.0 2004-2005 715 87 .5 14