CEE Oct-Dec 2002

J _.. roads. in' iew of the heavy Fains in large parts of th e country compounded by the poor drainage. So the cement industry wou ld have to evolve some incenti ves for road builders. In return. th e road huilders wo uld not be fo und wanting in cooperating with th e c~m~nt industry and accommodating the latter' s views and ideas. Major General Khand uri concl ud ed on the reassuring note that he would like to go in for as much cement roads as possible within the constraints he had cnumerated. 'Cement Manufacturers should lead a11d expedite tlte Pilot Road Projects , Sh ri S. Jagadeesa n, Jo in t Secretary, Ind ustri a l Poli cy and Promotion. Ministry of Commerce and Industry. complimented the cement industry on its e:-;ccptionall y cent. ,vay ahead of other industries with :m average of nearly 2.7 per cent. VI ore significant. the industry showed promise o r fulfilling the target or I0 per cent growth over the X Five-Year Plan. reaching the 200-million tonnes mark. But the industry needed a positive stimulus by '~ay of ass ured add itiona l dem a nd , a promi se for whi ch indeed was be ing held out by the Min istr ies of Rural Deve lopment and Road Tran sport & II ighways. To make this happen. the industry had to ensure that th e cos t or cement concrete roads did not much over-exceed the 15 per cent extra granted over bitumen roads. Since thi s was goi ng to be a great test for the cement industry and its success wou ld ultimately decide the use of cement in rural roads in fut-ure. Shri Ja ga dcesan urged cement manu faclurers to take charge 0 r the Pilot Projects and complete them in industries ,u,d !neal con t ractor~ "' the case may be. ' Remove COil strain ts .for indus~v's hea/1/iier growth' Earli er, welcoming the ll on'bk min istcrs and other dist ingu ished guests. Shri T M !'vl Nambiar. President CMA. hi ghli ght~cl hO\\ Indian cement industry had been steadily buil d ing up capac ities anticipating deve lopmenta l pl ans like Hi g hways. Rura l roads. Infrastructure and Housing. in all or which cement was a major input. While appreciating the Governmen t's infrast ructure schemes, Shri Nambiar pleaded lor greater support through removal of constraints and grant of incenti' es, which wo uld make the costs truly competitive. The Annual Session ended'' ith the Vote or Thanks by Cl'vl A Vice high growth last year, over 9 per tim e, say by coopting lo ca l Presidenr B. L. Jain. . ACC'S SINDRI CEMENT UNIT GETS ISO 14001 ACCREDITATION Sindri Cement Works (SCW) of the As~ociated Cemen t Compani es Ltd received ISO 1-1-00 I Ce rti f'icate for Env ironmental Management Systems on 24'" Jul y 200:2. Granted by th e Bureau ol' lndian Standards. the li cence co,·e rs all ac ti viti es o f the Sind ri 13 Cement Works for manu facture and suppl y of Portland slag cement. It'' ill be valid for a period of three years. i.e. up to 2J 'd Jul y 2005. With Sincl ri Cement Works. a total or 35 cement plants have so far secured ISO 1400 I acc reditation.