CEE Oct-Dec 2002

I ;. , I Ic =80A Ie = 80A lm =60A lm =60A <::::: ==m=c:;<==· J =J OOA I = lOOA L. ____ ___JII'"' ~•oA I = lf)(IA . (a) No capacitor (b) Wrong location of capacitor (c) Right location Cu rrent drawn from source: I OOA Current drawn from source : 80A Current drawn from source : 80A f input current to motor, M !e Current drawn from source S lm Reactive current drawn either from source or capacitor C transformer. By this method, 20 per cent ofthe plant lighting energy can be saved w ith a payback peri od of 5-6 months. A I so energy can be saved by replacing GLS lamps (40W) with energy saver compact nuorescent lamps (8 or 12 W), by replacing conventional chokes (1 0- 15 W powe r losses for 40- W ballast) w ith electronic ball asts (0.5 to 2 W losses) and by rep lac ing conventional type indi cation lamps with energy-sav ing type indicating lamps. Al l th ese res ul t i n Figure 1 Location of capacitor charge bu lk consumers on time– block basis. So by proper planning, some sections of the plant can be run du r ing co ncess ional time– blocks, whi ch cuts down energy bills. This again is a so1t of energy sav ing as i t helps the Sta te Electricity Boards to operate at less load during peak times and more duri ng off- peak t imes. I n th e process, power plants achieve good loading factor, and moreeffici ency, translating into energy savings. modifi ca tion and prov idin g advanced techno logy products, substantial energy can be saved. However, intensive f i eId data shoul d be co ll ected and studi ed before dev i si ng energy sa ving strategies, as the desired gains many not accrue otherw ise. Lastl y, as no energy conser vat ion process is defin itive, regul ar e n e rg~ aud its shou ld be conducted to hel p continue reduc ing energy losses and wastage, even i f incrementally. substantial amount o l' energy Conclusion Refer-ences sav ings. 1\ voidable energy losses occur I . IEEE, Recommended Practice Proper Planning State Electricity Boards usually in electr ica l systems in cement for Electr ica l Di stri buti on fo r plan ts owing to improper size selection of equipment. Whereas through relatively minor changes, I I Industrial Plants 2. L&T Technical Pamphl ets