Cement, Energy and Environment

time mill DP had increased from 650 mmwg to 700 mmwg due to increase in nozzle ring velocity. To reduce the nozzle ring velocity, we again reviewed the nozzle ring area & we ultimately increased the nozzle ring area from 1.82 m 2 to 2.01 m 2 , to reduce the nozzle ring velocity. We also increased the Mill main drive motor rpm from 870 to 915 by reducing resistance to increase table speed from 30 .64 to 32.23 Rpm After carrying out the above mentioned activities , mill was stabilized at 190-1950tph & BH fan power reduced. We could further increase the mill feed rate by increasing grinding pressure up to 8 MPa because there was margin in main drive available power but there was a limitation in grinding press(Max 6.8 MPa ). We further increased the N2 pressu re from 4MPa to 4.8 MPa to enhance the grinding pressure up to 8 MPa. But the results were not encouraging, the main drive power increased drastically to 1300 Kw at the same feed & grinding pressure . Again we reviewed the situation & it was decided to reduce the grinding pressure & Maintain the N2 pressure (4.2 MPa), for max grinding pressure of 7.4 MPa grindi ng pressure. Now the Mill was stabilized at 200 TPH Optimization Up to 220 TPH In the Chinese VRM, it was observed that mill operation was suddenly disturbed and resulting into low mill output & high power consumption. To find out the reason, lot of brain storming sessions material in the duct. Main drive rpm increased from 910 to 960 rpm. We have also reduced false air from 53 % to 33 % by doing following activities-: 1. Repair the expansion joint at bag house inlet and outlet 2. Welding inside the flanges of expansion joints and dampers 3. Proper sealing at bag house and mi ll body doors. After doing all these activities mill got stabilized at 220TPH to the great satisfaction of VRM team Which was also highly appreciated by top management of JKLC. Benefits Increase in Clinker Production 1000 TPD Reduction in overall 4 Unit I T Raw Mill specific power consumption of raw mill. Cost Benefit Analysis (Rs/ Annum) Annual saving due to increase in Clinker Production Power Saving Total Saving Total Investment (Kiln 1 Up gradation from 2000 TPD to 3000 TPD) Rs 16.5 Cr Rs 2.87 Cr Rs 19.37 Cr Rs 67.39 Cr were carried out & it was found that there is a [ Pay Back Period accumulation of material in mill outlet duct at bag 3 & Half Year house inlet & when height increases it rushes to the bag house & ultimately disturbs the operation of bag house. To overcome this problem, it was required to modify the inlet duct design but it requires mill stoppage therefore it was decided to Conclusion By the successful implementation of the new measures and superior technology we succeeded in execution of state-of-the-art VRM, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety. The explore other options to get rid of it and after project has achieved all the major milestones thorough study it was decided to install blasters at sequentially and has successful ly reduced our bag house inlet that will not allow accumulation of specifi c energy consumption. 4 ·~