Cement, Energy and Environment

S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date/Time Focus Area 8. Cemtech Europe 2015 Vienna, Austria Email: info@Cemtech.com 20-23 September, .. .............................. Web: www.Cemtech .com/EuroQe2015 2015 9. ILA General Assembly Istanbul, Turkey www.internationallime.org 7-10 October, 2015 -----------·---- 10. 13th TCMB International Antalya, Turkey www.tcma.org .tr/technicalseminar2015/index.html 7-10 October, 2015 • Main Theme: Sustainable Technical Seminar and Environment and Energy Exhibition • Low Carbon Technologies in Cement Production • Industrial Symbiosis • Use of Wastes • Innovation and New Technologies • All other subjects related to sector 11 . 14th International Beijing, China. Secretariat of 14th ICCC 13-16 October, Congress on the China Building Materials Academy 2015 Chemistry of Cement No.1 , Guanzhuang Dongli , Chaoyang District, .................................. (ICCC 2015) Beijing 100024, P.R. China Email : iccc2015@ 163.com iccc2015@gmail.com Tel: +86-1 0-51167499 (For international attendees) +86-10-51167479( For Chinese attendees) Fax: +86-1 0-65762976 12. 20thArab International Cairo, Egypt www.aucbm.org 10-12 November, ---------------- Cement Conference and 2015 Exhibition: 20thAICCE'15 13. Cemtech Americas 2015 Florida, USA www.Cemtech.com/America2015 7-1 0 December, ---------------- 2015 59