Cement, Energy and Environment

EASIER NORMS FOR INDUSTRIES SOON The proposed new classification of industries based on environment impact will bring uniformity in time frame for approvals and will give boost to manufacturing in India. Manufacturing is important for India 's sustained high economic growth and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Make In India' programme. However, the latest industrial production data has not been encouraging as manufacturing growth has not been high. Industry experts believe that rationalisation of industries under red, orange and green categories and introduction of a new category white will end inspector raj in environmental regulation . As per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) , the new mechanism will complement tamper proof online submission of emission and effluent data. The government has made online submission mandatory for Red category or most polluting industries and subsequently it will be extended to Orange category also. "This will take care of 80% of emissions from industrial sector and will bring transparency in implementation of pollution control regulations," a CPCB official said. Sources said that the government will soon bring amendments in the two laws to enhance penalties and to ensure better compliance to pollution laws. Courtesy: Hindustan Times,New Delhi, 03 September 2015 from Internet DELHI MAY REMAIN AMONG TOP THREE AIR POLLUTED CITIES TILL 2050: STUDY NEW DELHI: Late last week, a new research published in science journal 'Nature' said Delhi had the world's second highest number of deaths caused by sources of air pollution and , further projected that in the absence of adequate measures to combat it, the city may continue to be among the top three air polluted cities till 2050. Less than a year after the World Health Organisation report, which called Delhi world's most polluted city, the recent study has come up with alarming projections of deaths due to air pollution . Prof. Dr. Jos Lelieveld, lead author of the study published in 'Nature' told ET in an exclusive interview over email , "There is vast observational evidence that air quality in India, especially during the dry season over the Indo-gangetic plane, is among the worst worldwide . There is also a large body of evidence that links poor air quality to many diseases and premature mortality." Experts as well as campaigners agree that air pollution , particularly the most deadly PM 2.5 pollutant, is far from being reigned in. According to Dr. Gurfan Beig, Project Director of SAFAR, "There is no evidence to show that air quality is improving in NCR. In fact, during this year's monsoons, when PM 2.5 pollution reduces, it was relatively much more than previous years ." Courtesy: ET Bureau Sep 21, 2015 from Internet WASTE TO WEALTH -OPTIMISING AFR UTILISATION Despite various technological barriers and absence of proper regulation and enabling policy framework this is an opportune time for the Indian cement industry to focus all its efforts on increasing co-processing . While developed countries have successfully achieved a TSR rate over 40 per cent, in certain cases even up to 80 per cent, in India it is around a meager one per cent; and the target set for 2020 is just 5 per cent. What the industry needs is specific policy and regulatory framework that help enhance the AFR utlisation. Cement plants can dispose different kinds of wastes in an environmentally sound manner, without any residue for further treatment and disposal. Co-processing offers an environment– friendly waste solution that is superior to land filling or incineration. 48 ·- J -