Cement, Energy and Environment

2.2.1 Plant Operation • Degree of calcination at kiln inlet was high at 98% against the normal range of 92-95%. • Plant was operating with high swirl air and low axial air for main burner with flame momentum of 1625% m/sec. • Kiln feed LSF variations was found to be high in the range of 88-97. • Material flushing was observed from 6 1 h cyclone inlet duct into the kiln which may lead to disturbance in the kiln operation and may be one of the reasons for yellow core in clinker. Operating parameters of the kiln is shown in the Fig 1 & flushing of material is indicated by huge fluctuations in DPC TPH and fluctuation in calciner outlet pressure although the kiln feed TPH is steady (Fig 2). 2.3 Recommendations & Suggestions Plant was recommended for modification in the extraction pattern for reducing variations in the kiln feed. It was also recommended to reduce the swirl air and increase the axial air besides other corrective measures for solving the problem. Plant was requested to reduce the 6 1 h cyclone outlet temperature to reduce the degree of calcination and install air blasters at 6 1 h cyclone inlet to avoid the accumulation of material which is responsible for material flushing . 3.0 RESULTS ACHIEVED Implementation of NCB recommendation resulted in increasing kiln production from existing level of 5000TPD to 5500TPD besides elimination of yellow core and ring formation. Phenomenal benefit achieved by the plant was reduction in fines generation leading to improved clinker quality L - IU lti\W t.IU - 10 c~v, Ml.l T : 2/11'~ N :1 I - •i JrnmW.; no- ; 1.~'n-71(,tcl o,. ~.~a• CO : ~IT'W - • 1000'C o,: 3.6:11 C0 : 200!'1'w Kll14 I I JlO'C .,. ' _,., .. .; Pow : 1.1GilnO'kgd t~ I'-'AIW) Fig. 1: Operating Parameters of Kiln System I ' IU PROO'. CT '---- - - CUNKER lJ03 J.'TPH